Windows OS help

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the computer builder noob

I am building my own computer and have all the parts together execept the OS
which I still need to choose,
I have an old computer which runs XP home 32-bit and I like it but I have
heard that it only recognizes 4 GB of RAM at the most and doesnt recognize
the 4th GB that is why I thought that maybe I should get XP pro X64 so that I
can in the future add more than 3/4 GB of RAM. On the side (obviously) I will
be doing some gaming and also 3D design, unless vista can run windows 95
programs I don't see why i should bother getting it and what about XP pro Sp3
what the heck is the big difference anyways? so to the point, please give me
any information that will help/aid my desision on an opperating system.

My specs aside from the above yakking:

AMD Phenom X4 9850 2.5 Ghz
4 GB G.skill DDR2 1000
FOXCONN 970 GX am 2+ motherboard
"A case"
680 Watt psu
CD/DVD combo drive
320GB sata HD
and the until someone gives me a tip off the, "yet to be decided OS"


ps. please reply sombody pleaseeeee... and please dont make your coment really lame and unhelpfull thanks!
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message.

In the computer builder noob <the computer builder noob> typed:

I am building my own computer and have all the parts together execept the
which I still need to choose,
I have an old computer which runs XP home 32-bit and I like it but I have
heard that it only recognizes 4 GB of RAM at the most and doesnt recognize
the 4th GB that is why I thought that maybe I should get XP pro X64 so
that I
can in the future add more than 3/4 GB of RAM. On the side (obviously) I
be doing some gaming and also 3D design, unless vista can run windows 95
programs I don't see why i should bother getting it and what about XP pro
what the heck is the big difference anyways? so to the point, please give
any information that will help/aid my desision on an opperating system.

My specs aside from the above yakking:

AMD Phenom X4 9850 2.5 Ghz
4 GB G.skill DDR2 1000
FOXCONN 970 GX am 2+ motherboard
"A case"
680 Watt psu
CD/DVD combo drive
320GB sata HD
and the until someone gives me a tip off the, "yet to be decided OS"


ps. please reply sombody pleaseeeee... and please dont make your coment really lame and unhelpfull thanks!

If you want to access more than about 3.5 GB of memory space you need a 64
bit architecture and a 64 bit OS. As XP is going to go the way of the Dodo
soon it may be worth investing in Vista SP1. With any OS you generally want
to keep your PC up to date so, if you go with Windows XP, you will want SP3
so that you're still supported and secure.

Galen (Not Current MS-MVP)

My Geek Site:
Web Hosting:

"In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason
backwards. That is a very useful accomplishment, and a
very easy one, but people do not practise it much. In the every-day affairs
of life it is more useful to reason forwards, and so
the other comes to be neglected. There are fifty who can reason
synthetically for one who can reason analytically." - Sherlock
=?Utf-8?B?dGhlIGNvbXB1dGVyIGJ1aWxkZXIgbm9vYg==?= <the computer builder
noob> wrote in
I am building my own computer and have all the parts together execept
the OS which I still need to choose,
My specs aside from the above yakking:

AMD Phenom X4 9850 2.5 Ghz
4 GB G.skill DDR2 1000
FOXCONN 970 GX am 2+ motherboard
"A case"
680 Watt psu
CD/DVD combo drive
320GB sata HD

Well if you're not willing to hack your system to run OS X (Google Search
for "Hackintosh"), and Linux isn't your cup of tea, then I would just drop
the whole XP idea and go with Vista.

Fewer viruses, better stability, better x64 support. XP is on it's way out,
Vista is just over 1/3 of the way through it's life cycle. (yes, Vista has
been out 2 years, we should see Win 7.0 in about 3-4 years, how time flies)