windows or linux??

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A my friend tell me about a free (0$) and open sources operative system
called Ubuntu Linux! according to he, ubuntu is simple, compatible and nice
like windows!
And it haves more features!! Is FREE, unaffectable by viruses, stable (no
more crash a ancd blue screen of death) and more...
By the way, i ask to you which are the really reasons to use the wonderful
and easy Windows

now i'm a satisfied windows user. according to you, I would have to change
to linux (or not)? Why?
Thanks a lot!!
andrea said:
A my friend tell me about a free (0$) and open sources operative system
called Ubuntu Linux! according to he, ubuntu is simple, compatible and nice
like windows!
And it haves more features!! Is FREE, unaffectable by viruses, stable (no
more crash a ancd blue screen of death) and more...
By the way, i ask to you which are the really reasons to use the wonderful
and easy Windows

now i'm a satisfied windows user. according to you, I would have to change
to linux (or not)? Why?
Thanks a lot!!

Since you are a satisfied Windows user, you should ask your
friend to give you a few solid reasons why you should change
to Linux.
andrea said:
A my friend tell me about a free (0$) and open sources operative system
called Ubuntu Linux! according to he, ubuntu is simple, compatible and
nice like windows!
And it haves more features!! Is FREE, unaffectable by viruses, stable (no
more crash a ancd blue screen of death) and more...
By the way, i ask to you which are the really reasons to use the wonderful
and easy Windows

now i'm a satisfied windows user. according to you, I would have to change
to linux (or not)? Why?
Thanks a lot!!

What software do you want to run? Most Windows applications do not run well
on Linux even with WINE (which I don't believe Ubuntu includes by default).
For many of your applications, there may well be similar applications
available for Linux. For example, you have OpenOffice which has many
features of Microsoft Office. You have Gimp, which has many features of
popular and advanced image editing software for Windows. You have several
choices for internet browsers and e-mail clients.

If you are willing to learn a new operating system and take the time to
learn how these applications work, and you don't mind having to search
yourself for drivers for many peripheral hardware devices, then the dollar
cost of moving to Linux is an advantage. Most hardware manufacturers do not
make drivers for Linux so you may find yourself spending a fair amount of
time searching for and configuring drivers depending on what your
peripherals are. You need to consider what your time is worth when you
evaluate the total cost of an operating system and software, not just how
much money you are required to spend up front.

I know that doesn't answer your question. Bottom line is I can't answer
your question as I don't know what software you use, what hardware devices
you have, how willing you are to take the time to learn something new, your
aptitude for finding and configuring drivers when the manufacturer doesn't
supply one, etc. These are things you need to consider when making your
My fiend tell me that i dont need to buy an antivirus and a Windows licese
(now i have xp home oem license, but i'm thinking to upgrade to vista, but it
is too expansive)
Another reason is that the code is open, he tell me tha i can "read" the
source of the kernel and all programs! And it is FREE (free like freedom), no
more money gives to Mr Bill Gate! And mooooreeee... i'm confused and scared
about a change... but if it really work, Linux is a big idea!!
you reasoning is ok Tom, but removing virus, buy and update antivirus, do a
defrag, a disk clean, a driver update etc ... is expansive and this is a loss
of time!
moreover, linux is open ( i know how to work), windows is not open...
Windows is easy and hyper-compatible... but is unstable and insecure...
what do you think about this?
andrea said:
A my friend tell me about a free (0$) and open sources operative system
called Ubuntu Linux! according to he, ubuntu is simple, compatible and nice
like windows!
And it haves more features!! Is FREE, unaffectable by viruses, stable (no
more crash a ancd blue screen of death) and more...
By the way, i ask to you which are the really reasons to use the wonderful
and easy Windows

now i'm a satisfied windows user. according to you, I would have to change
to linux (or not)? Why?
Thanks a lot!!

Go to and order the 6.06 CD. They will send it to you
free and pay the postage. Set your BIOS to boot from the CDROM and stick
the CD in. You can test it out and see if your hardware checks out
without installing it. You might want to add a hard drive to your
machine and install it on that. That way, you'll have a dual boot
between Ubuntu and XP while you're getting used to Ubuntu. You can get
help on the IRC or by going to the alt.os.linux.ubuntu newsgroup. Ubuntu
also has forums online which you will have referenced the first time you
open Fire Fox.

andrea said:
you reasoning is ok Tom, but removing virus, buy and update antivirus, do
defrag, a disk clean, a driver update etc ... is expansive and this is a
of time!
moreover, linux is open ( i know how to work), windows is not open...
Windows is easy and hyper-compatible... but is unstable and insecure...
what do you think about this?

Easiest way to clean a virus is not get infected in the first place. The
user is the most important aspect here - practice safe hex.

Updating an AV is automatic as is running scans, defrag can be set to run
automatically, disk clean functions have to be done in any OS, and it's not
hard or time consuming. Driver updates - well that's much more problematic
in Linux, first you have to fine one that works and then configure it. Then
the problems are back when you try to update it.

By the way there is no reason to update drivers unless there is a problem or
the new driver has some must have feature.

I don't understand why you say Windows is unstable. Been rock solid on this
system. Stability in any OS is due to the quality of the hardware, the
drivers, and the software used.

Insecure? Again that's an issue of safe hex.

I have to opine, based on the nature of your posts, that you don't have the
skills needed to run a Linux distro. I could be wrong, but that's my
opinion. Good luck.
Alias said:
Go to and order the 6.06 CD. They will send it to you free
and pay the postage. Set your BIOS to boot from the CDROM and stick the CD
in. You can test it out and see if your hardware checks out without
installing it.

And often, it doesn't. I have yet to get Linux of any common version to
boot on my XPS 410. It happily boots...until...lock up.
i'm only "get the facts" ;)
ok ok! i have to try ubuntu but i wanna to try vista too!
later i decide!

bye and thanks a lot !
Alpha said:
And often, it doesn't. I have yet to get Linux of any common version to
boot on my XPS 410. It happily boots...until...lock up.

Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of Dell?

Only The Shadow do and he ain't tellin'.

andrea said:
i'm only "get the facts" ;)
ok ok! i have to try ubuntu but i wanna to try vista too!
later i decide!

bye and thanks a lot !

Linux is a knock-off of a 40-year old operating system originally designed
by a money-losing division of your local telephone company and enhanced by
those who feel the original DOS command line was not obscure enough.

As for viruses, the most destructive internet virus ever encountered was
propagated on the Linuxpredecessor, Unix. Excellent virus protection
products are available at no charge for XP (AVG is one).

Many things are "free." Genital warts for example. Cost should not be your
only concern.

Should you follow your friends advice, you'll need him at your house almost

I think he's trying to get in your knickers.
Alpha said:
And often, it doesn't. I have yet to get Linux of any common version
to boot on my XPS 410. It happily boots...until...lock up.

Have you given Ubuntu a try? I'm not saying it'll work as I know how
finicky Linux can be with certain hardware, but Ubuntu's got the
best/easiest install I've seen to date.
GO said:
Have you given Ubuntu a try? I'm not saying it'll work as I know how
finicky Linux can be with certain hardware, but Ubuntu's got the
best/easiest install I've seen to date.

PClinuxos is another good one. I have Ubuntu on one machine, Ubuntu on
another and Win XP on another. PClinux is by far the fastest.