Here's a repost of an old reply about this issue.
Your case doesn't seem as severe as this poster's case was
but it still could be due to malware, especially if the size reverts
after you fix it. Note, however, that if any changes you make are
to persist that you must make sure that the window you change
is the last window closed. You can ensure that that is the case
by closing all windows but the one you are going to operate on
*and* after closing it verifying (e.g. using Task Manager or msinfo32)
that iexplore.exe is no longer active. (If it is still active you would
have a hidden IE window on your system which could be saving its
I have this strange sort of visual effect that seems to take
the task bar icon and throws it on to the desk top and totally
Here is an excerpt from a recent reply to an IE6.Browser poster
who was having a similar problem.
Have you tried resizing it using your keyboard?
Have you tried Cascade Windows?
(Win-D to minimize all windows, restore the problem one
and then right-click the Taskbar)
In case the window is under program control
make sure that you do this offline (Alt-F,W)
and perhaps you should also temporarily disable
or set to Prompt all scripting privileges
(using the Security tab).
If the latter steps seem necessary or seem to be bypassed too
you should suspect malware and use tools such as Spybot and
AdAware to analyse your system.
Good luck
Robert Aldwinckle