8-21-2003, 4PM, I heard a striking sound coming from the
my Dell laptop. Every second a loud striking sound
(similar to a hammer hitting a pipe) A message was on the
black screen stating that it would start to delete my C
Drive. I turned off the power. When I restarted, the
following message was on a black screen: "Primary HDD not
found. Fixed optical drive not found. No bootable
device: strike F1 to retry boot(nothing happened); F2 for
setup utility:. I closed down and restarted in safe
mode. After a few tries I was able to get everything
working. I didn't lose any files. I run Zone Alarm with
daily updates. I ran Zone Alarm and there's no indication
of a virus. I'm running Windows XP. My question is what
happened to generate this initial warning notice? Thanks.
my Dell laptop. Every second a loud striking sound
(similar to a hammer hitting a pipe) A message was on the
black screen stating that it would start to delete my C
Drive. I turned off the power. When I restarted, the
following message was on a black screen: "Primary HDD not
found. Fixed optical drive not found. No bootable
device: strike F1 to retry boot(nothing happened); F2 for
setup utility:. I closed down and restarted in safe
mode. After a few tries I was able to get everything
working. I didn't lose any files. I run Zone Alarm with
daily updates. I ran Zone Alarm and there's no indication
of a virus. I'm running Windows XP. My question is what
happened to generate this initial warning notice? Thanks.