I've connected up my home network to work via a ipsec tunnel. I can ping
machines either way, and I can make network connections from one side of the
tunnel to the other side. My main problem now is sorting out permissions.
Our work network uses an NT4 server domain controller.
At home I have a peer to peer network.
When I try to connect to a work machine from home by mapping a drive "net
use m: \\ipaddress\share mypassword /user:imageproc\myusername" the drive
is mapped but the files on the target machine are read only, although I have
used my usual passwords that I would use at work ?
Is there anything else I need to do to make this work ?
I've connected up my home network to work via a ipsec tunnel. I can ping
machines either way, and I can make network connections from one side of the
tunnel to the other side. My main problem now is sorting out permissions.
Our work network uses an NT4 server domain controller.
At home I have a peer to peer network.
When I try to connect to a work machine from home by mapping a drive "net
use m: \\ipaddress\share mypassword /user:imageproc\myusername" the drive
is mapped but the files on the target machine are read only, although I have
used my usual passwords that I would use at work ?
Is there anything else I need to do to make this work ?