I've connected the network at work which uses NT4 as a PDC to my small home
network using two vpn routers at either end, and have established an ipsec
tunnel. I can ping machines on either network, and have used telnet/ftp to
connect to the pdc from home. The two networks use different ip addresses as
required by ipsec.
Is it possible to use any of the windows networking features over this type
of connection ? I'm looking at logging onto the domain, browsing the
network, connecting to network drives, using printers etc ?
I've connected the network at work which uses NT4 as a PDC to my small home
network using two vpn routers at either end, and have established an ipsec
tunnel. I can ping machines on either network, and have used telnet/ftp to
connect to the pdc from home. The two networks use different ip addresses as
required by ipsec.
Is it possible to use any of the windows networking features over this type
of connection ? I'm looking at logging onto the domain, browsing the
network, connecting to network drives, using printers etc ?