windows movie wrirter

  • Thread starter Thread starter lori
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i have windows movie writer on my computer.thereis not
any way to plug in my vcr audio and video to the
computer.what is a analog video card.what else do i need
to record my vcr tapes to dvd disks i have a dvd-rom
drive on the computer.computers are not my thing please
help me. i have purchased a hp dvd movie writer dc3000 do
i needthis. thankyou love you for the help lori
You have Windows Movie "Writer"? Do you mean Windows Movie "Maker"?

Movie Maker is just software that you can use with your own capture hardware
(sounds like you don't have any).

There are several different ways to capture video:

A Digital Video Camcorder could be hooked up to a USB or FireWire port on
the PC
An Analog to Digital PCI card could be installed in the PC and you could
then plug your analog device (VCR) to it for digital conversion.

The bottom line is that YOU need to supply the hardware, Windows Movie Maker
helps from that point forward.