Windows Movie Maker

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I have created a great little movie of my family and everytime I save it to
the cd and then place it into my dvd, which can read this type of file, I get
the message--Cannot read cd. Then when I save it to my computer in "my
documents"--"my videos", it will not play back in the windows media player.
I don't know what to do to fix this, if someone could help me I would really
appreciate it.
I am very new at this, please bear with me I am trying to learn it. I don't
know what file type it is on the cd, I just click on---save to cd in the WMM
I don't know the file type for the saving to my pc, it just saves it to my
videos when I click on save as--it brings up my documents, my videos, unless
I am not seeing something here. I appreciate your helping me. Sue
Ok Sue,
WMM only makes HiMat compatible cd's and there are hardly any players for
this type of file, it is just pc's at the moment.
Do you have a programme called nero (or roxio) installed and if so which
version is it? These will often make vcd's that can play in your dvd player.
When I know what you have I can perhaps be of more help with instructions :)

Which version of windows movie maker are you using? Go to the help drop down
menu in MM and then "about MM" it should say version 1.1.... or maybe
2.0..... if you have version two you will have quite a big box and you'll
need to ignore the 5.1 piece. If you have SP2 installed then you will have
version 2.1

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media

"(e-mail address removed)"
You are so kind! I have Roxio 5, I tried to do it through that program and
the strangest thing, when I try to import the video, I can't find it in my
videos. WMM is version 2. Oh yeah I do remember seeing HiMat in there. Oh my,
I have been at this for days and hours on end. It is just so important to me
to do this, my son is on his way to Iraq, this video has his party in it. I
had wanted to send it to him before he left tomorrow. It contains pics of all
his friends, and family. Someone that he is with just did the same with pics
from the unit he is going with and they were supposed to send a copy to me,
never got it yet so I have to wonder if he ran into the same problem. It is
just so frustrating. Thank you
to my pc: In WMM, I click on file, click on save project as, and The box save
in my vidoes comes up--file name Family Video, Save as type
To save to a cd: In the movie tasks cloumn I click on Save to CD and the
Save Movie Wizard shows up, I have the cd in the E drive.
Today I got it to play some of the pics but not all in WMP, it got so far
with the pics and they stop but the music continued. I got all excited and
then the pics got stuck.
We've seen other reports of this behaviour with the pictures/video freezing
and the audio continuing especially on timelines with a lot of transitions.

We made a fix in Windows Movie Maker 2.1 within Windows XP SP2 so this
problem hopefully shouldn't occur. If you don't want to install SP2 yet
you can also try the following workaround.

Sometimes just trying to save your movie again will work, as it doesn't
always repro 100% of the time. If in your case it is consistenly failing
then the other suggestion I have is to save your movie as a DV-AVI file
first. To do this, when you're on the Movie Settings page choose "Other
Settings" and select DV-AVI from the list (if Other Settings isn't visible
then click "Show more choices...").

Play back the resultant DV-AVI file to make sure that it's OK. If you want
to save it as a WMV file to save disk space you can then import the DV-AVI
file back into MovieMaker, drag it down to the timeline then publish it
again as a WMV file with your choice of profile.
Hope this helps
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"(e-mail address removed)"
Thank you Dean for replying to my problem. I have a son "Dean" and thought
"oh this will be good", since he knows that I have been doing this discussion
on line here, lol. I have had SP2 on here for a while now. Where can I find
the fix or is it only in the SP2 download. I will try your suggestion and I
hope it will work. Thank you so much. Yesterday my sister stopped by and I
went to play it for her and it got so far with the pics and then they stopped
but the music played on. Frustrating. I will work on it though. Again thanks.
You know what, it won't let me save it that way. Now it is saying to be sure
the original source files not missing. This is so ridiculous.
The fix is only in Movie Maker 2.1 which is part of SP2. As far as the
missing files is concerned, check to make sure you haven't got any red X's
on the timeline. If you do find some, double click them and MovieMaker will
ask you to point it to the file that it couldn't find for some reason.
Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"(e-mail address removed)"
Ok the fix is in the SP2, which is what I had downloaded about a month ago.
There are no red x's. This stinks
Ok I have re-done the movie and I was able to save as a DV-AVI file and it
plays now in windows media player with only one small problem. One of the
songs, skips, repeats, stammers--lol So glad I got this far---Thank-You