Windows Movie Maker

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason Sherwin
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Jason Sherwin

Could some one please give me some advice on captureing
clips from a video device.
The thing is that last week I fitted a fire wire to my
computer so as aquire clips from my camera(Panasonic NV-
The thing is when I try to aquire a clip a warning bar
comes up wiyh these words,"video device cannot be used at
this time because thre has been an errpr when starting the
I've tried differing ways of starting up the camera and
the computer but I appear to be flummoxed.
Your advice and idea would be much appreciated,also I can
get round to doing my cousin wedding vid.
Many thanks,
Jaso Sherwin.
Hi Jason,
I don't have access to this particular model of camera. Question, if
you select Capture tape manually in the capture wizard, and proceed to the
capture page, can you see a preview in the Movie Maker preview monitor if
you press play on the camera?
Lisa Campbell-Smith [MS]