Windows Movie Maker 2

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Helllllp . I payed for the download but do not have the disk.I have the product Activation key still however.The problem is it keeps locking up.....And Im trien to make a movie of our vacation pictures almost have t done but I have to save costantly . it did not use to do this? Help please
Hello there,

So, you are saying you have installed the PLUS DME and now Movie Maker 2
crashes. When does it crash...what do you do that results in the crash?

I think $3,000.00 is rather a lot to pay for a CPU :) unless you have a
superconductor in Liquid Nitrogen that is
Hello there,

I dont know then. The only Movie Maker 2 I know of is completly free. I
have the PLUS DME which adds a few effects to Movie Maker it does not
include Movie Maker as far as I can remember...perhaps someone else can
help you out.
I know.It is and I wont pay that much ever does have a like a air conditioner type thingy over the processor..Anyhoot it locks up mostly when I go to add transitions and effects.
Sounds like a classic CODEC conflict, which may
have nothing to do with the PLUS software you

Try downloading & running the Rename Codecs
program from John Kelly's web site.

I haven't tried it myself, but others have reported
that it works great. Good luck!

Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Media Center Edition

Greg said:
I know.It is and I wont pay that much ever does have a like a air conditioner type thingy over the processor..Anyhoot it
locks up mostly when I go to add transitions and effects.
Hello there,

Sonic !!!

I'm a bit confused, normal state of affairs :)

Can you tell us when it crashes, what do you do that results in a crash,
and are we still talking about movie maker???
Are you sure You are not confusing "Phot Story 2" that comes with Plus DME,
with Movie Maker which is a free program that comes with windows xp.

Please try to ask your question in a comprehensible manner so that people
can understand and help you.

Greg said:
Hi there sorry locked up again........I was working on it again lol

I am not sure I understand the "I paid for the download" part unless your
talking about Windows XP which I have never heard of downloading.
As far as Movie Maker locking up there are many reasons that it could be
doing this and it's hard to say why it's happening without more information.
See the Crashes & Hangs section of Papajohn's website for many possible
causes and solutions.
