Windows MM2 Opens then ERROR

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gordon
  • Start date Start date


I click the Icon for windows Movie Maker in XP Pro. It
opens followed by an error, which I have sent in over 100
times. then I click close and it closes.
If I ignore the error, I can load items, but will not
go anywhere from there.
I do have copies of the error box, and the detail
problem box and can send to someone by e-mail as JPG.
I have tried many things. Idid work at installation.
I have an AMD Atholon 2700+ mounted to a Triton GA-7N400
Pro2 Mother Board. 1 GB Ram, running Dual Bios.
Feel free to send the error directly to my email. (just remove the online.
from my email address) and I'll take a look.
Dean Rowe

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