I think it may be to do with Outlook.
I have Windows Live Messenger installed which I use and then sign out of
when I finish, but I find that Windows Messenger has signed me in!! If I have
signed out of MSN, it means I want to be signed out! Have removed it in
Add/Remove programs -although I think this may just be the start icon, and
have gone into the messenger itself and unticked all the options like start
whenw indows starts etc. Consequently, I can't open the main windows of
Windows Messenger, I just keep getting alerts that people have signed in
which is really annoying!!!
Hope that makes sense!!
I have Windows Live Messenger installed which I use and then sign out of
when I finish, but I find that Windows Messenger has signed me in!! If I have
signed out of MSN, it means I want to be signed out! Have removed it in
Add/Remove programs -although I think this may just be the start icon, and
have gone into the messenger itself and unticked all the options like start
whenw indows starts etc. Consequently, I can't open the main windows of
Windows Messenger, I just keep getting alerts that people have signed in
which is really annoying!!!
Hope that makes sense!!