Well, I can help you...
Get your self a good AVP (antivirus program), and a good hardware or
software firewall.
The reason; you are being hacked through a type of "messenger service" that
shows your computer to be vulnerable.
Go to
Free AVP is
Free firewall is
both are in the first site I gave to you.
For an immediately resolution to your delima
Turn off "messenger service"
Go to Start > Help > type messenger service
read the definition
REMOVING "Messenger Service" POPUPS (immediate Temporary fix)
This does not take the place of safe computing, known as "Safe Hex" [See,
Read, and Follow the Microsoft article near bottom]
Recently some smart programmers came up with a way to send SPAM through the
network messaging system provided in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. What
happens is for no reason, without Internet Explorer or Outlook Express open,
a PopUp shows up on the desktop with SPAM (some common ones are offering a
college diploma based on your life experiences). Using Outlook will not
prevent this from happening. To stop this from happening do the following:
Note: This feature is normally available to administrators to send messages
over a network(s), and those with authority to send popups concerning
corporate events, schedules etcetra.
Note: This generally happens to broad band internet connections that stay
open, but may be sent to anyone while online with Windows 2000 and Windows
XP (all versions).
1. Click on Start | Choose Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools |
2. Scroll to and double click "Messenger"
3. Click on "Startup Type" window, and choose "Disabled".
4. Click "Stop" button
5. Click "Okay"
Note: There is a freeware download that will toggle messenger service "on"
and "off" at
IMPORTANT: By doing only that, the computer will STILL be open to the
Internet and be pretty unsecured. The Messenger Service messages is only the
symptom, and not the cause. This type of spam is just a sign that you are
exposing NETBIOS ports to the Internet, this you should block with a
bon apetite'
Note: This DOES NOT take the place of a good firewall like Zone Alarm Pro.
You need it. Get one; you are vulnerable. Learn the easy way or the hard
way. A hardware firewall is great like a Lynksys Router, and of course virus
protection is an absolute must (updated every day).
Microsoft link concerning "Messenger service"
"For this reason, Microsoft recommends that you install a firewall and
configure it to block NetBIOS traffic instead of merely just turning off the
Messenger service."
That means blocking internet access to ports 135, 137-139 and 445 with a
Below is the same thing with more added
10:29 9/16/2003
You need to be running a firewall and a good AVP with uptodate definitions
Turning off Messenger Servicewill is like putting a bandaid on a shark
Here goes with teh "Stop Messenger Service" directions:
REMOVING "Messenger Service" POPUPS (immediate Temporary fix)
This does not take the place of safe computing, known as "Safe Hex" [See,
Read, and Follow the Microsoft article near bottom]
Recently some smart programmers came up with a way to send SPAM through the
network messaging system provided in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. What
happens is for no reason, without Internet Explorer or Outlook Express open,
a PopUp shows up on the desktop with SPAM (some common ones are offering a
college diploma based on your life experiences). Using Outlook will not
prevent this from happening. To stop this from happening do the following:
Note: This feature is normally available to administrators to send messages
over a network(s), and those with authority to send popups concerning
corporate events, schedules etcetra.
Note: This generally happens to broad band internet connections that stay
open, but may be sent to anyone while online with Windows 2000 and Windows
XP (all versions).
1. Click on Start | Choose Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools |
2. Scroll to and double click "Messenger"
3. Click on "Startup Type" window, and choose "Disabled".
4. Click "Stop" button
5. Click "Okay"
Note: There is a freeware download that will toggle messenger service "on"
and "off" at
IMPORTANT: By doing only that, the computer will STILL be open to the
Internet and be pretty unsecured. The Messenger Service messages is only the
symptom, and not the cause. This type of spam is just a sign that you are
exposing NETBIOS ports to the Internet, this you should block with a
bon apetite'
Note: This DOES NOT take the place of a good firewall like Zone Alarm Pro.
You need it. Get one; you are vulnerable. Learn the easy way or the hard
way. A hardware firewall is great like a Lynksys Router, and of course virus
protection is an absolute must (updated every day).
Microsoft link concerning "Messenger service"
"For this reason, Microsoft recommends that you install a firewall and
configure it to block NetBIOS traffic instead of merely just turning off the
Messenger service."
That means blocking internet access to ports 135, 137-139 and 445 with a
As I stated, you need a firewall and AVP.
Also you would do well to have Ad-Aware adn SpyBot S&D
Here is a website that can direct you both adn many more.
I do not have anything to do with, sell,or solicit any programs
good computing,
I have receiving 30 to 50 unwanted messages via Windows Messenger each day!
How can I turn off Windows Messenger? Miscrosoft Knowledge Base says that I
go to START, PROGRAMS, and then WINDOWS MESSENGER. However, there is no
WINDOWS MESSENGER under my programs, or anywhere else that I can find. FIND
cannot find Windows Messenger. Any help is Very, Very Much appreciated!
These popups are coming even when both email and internet are closed. (I
use Internet Explorer& Outlook Express). I have cable internet. I use
Windows 200 Prof.
Hate spammers. There otta be a law!
Cathleen Morris