windows messenger



Please can someone point me to the proper code to type in "RUN" to uninstal
windows messenger?

I lost the copy I printed,




please can you tell me, do I uninstall first and then put this in the run

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

David Candy

That does uninstall it.

When you install a new version it first of all runs that command (which it gets from Add/Remove in the registry - though it doesn't show in Add/Remove in control panel) which removes the previous version. Then it installs the new version on a computer, that by now, doesn't have messenger installed.

So I don't understand your question.


okay, when I go in add/remove progys, add/rem Windows components! there,
and uncheck it and remove, THEN do I do the run?

That does uninstall it.

When you install a new version it first of all runs that command (which it
gets from Add/Remove in the registry - though it doesn't show in Add/Remove
in control panel) which removes the previous version. Then it installs the
new version on a computer, that by now, doesn't have messenger installed.

So I don't understand your question.

David Candy

No because Add/Remove has already typed it for you. BUT it doesn't appear in Add/Remove except if the following is both true (now we are talking about Windows Messenger rather than the evil MSN Messenger aren't we).
1. Soimeone went and manually changed configuration files in windows
2. It hasn't been updated (which means it will also refuse to work insisting you upgrade) since WinXP was released a couple of years ago.


okay I got it out.
msn messenger?

thank you David


No because Add/Remove has already typed it for you. BUT it doesn't appear in
Add/Remove except if the following is both true (now we are talking about
Windows Messenger rather than the evil MSN Messenger aren't we).
1. Soimeone went and manually changed configuration files in windows
2. It hasn't been updated (which means it will also refuse to work insisting
you upgrade) since WinXP was released a couple of years ago.

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