the product team no longer exists and hasn't for a long time so there will
not be fixes or changes to the product as it is now.
Oh don't get me wrong I know this and am not really a luddite - I just like
extended testing periods.
And at the moment it doesn't need fixing or tarting up, I'll take function
over form anytime - just look at the wife **ducks a passing saucepan**
I honestly would be really surprised if in 5 years from now you can still
use Windows Messenger to sign in.
I hope in 5 years I will have satisfied my curiosity about the security
issues ;-)
My goal has always been to just make things work for people, not to "push"
them into advertising or similar. I don't make any money from it, so it
doesn't make much difference to me
I never knock a code slinger when there's an accountant in range ;-D
In all honesty the main complaint I have is that you are forced to rely on
third party tools (which may or may not do kinky things to the codebase)
rather than something written by someone who knows the product backwards and
knows that nothing untowards will happen by its usage. I am quite happy for
said official tool to be extremely well hidden on the site so that only a
small percentage of the userbase bother trying to find it- I like a
challenge and certainly don't begrudge m$ recouping money spent on
development of free to user software. It's just that in livemessenger the
amount seemed over the top and intrusive to my eye - so I went and found a
I have often wondered why the dev's don't look at all the "fixes" third
party tweaks get praise for and built it into the next incarnation of their
baby - increasing the max length of postable messages for example has been
added by every messenger tweak app I have encounterd and as for the amount
off changes in messenger plus the mind boggles.
The only real "technical" issue I have with windows messenger is not caused
by the client but by the servers as far as I can tell so would be pervasive
in all variants. This is the censoring of certain phrases and combinations
of filenames without any notification so that, when explaining a certain
security hole I had found in xp at logon to enable my cousin to get back
into the box he had just locked himself out of, he couldn't understand why I
was posting blank lines at him and I couldn't understand what he was on
about as I could see the text fine.
dr del