Windows messenger - receipient gets no audio or picture



All of a sudden when I try to use Wndows Messenger and I make a contact, I
see my contact and hear them, but they can't see or hear me. Their picture
of themselves appear in the corner - so their camera is working.

It worked before. Any ideas why? I've changed nothing on my end - expect
I'm on automatic updates.

When my brother and sister talk to each other it works, but when they talk
to me - they can't see or hear me. I can see and hear them though.

I'm frustrated.

Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings Nancy,

You and your contact might try turning off the QoS Packet Scheduler. To do so, click Start,
then All Programs, then Accessories, then Communications, and then Network Connections. Right
click your network/internet connection, then click Properties. Uncheck the QoS Packet
Scheduler, and try again. If the QoS option is grayed out, simply click on it and choose the
Uninstall button instead.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.


Jonathan, IT WORKED! I only had to turn it off. My brother did not have
to. I can't believe it. I had called Gateway and they went thru my computer
and told me nothing was wrong with my computer and could find nothing wrong.

I just can't believe you had an answer for me.

Will having the QoS packet scheduler off intefere with anything else. What
exactly is it?

I really thank you.

Are you a programmer?


Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Hi Nancy,

The QoS (Quality of Service) packet scheduler basically schedules some internet "packets"
over some other, so that they're delivered more on time (therefore important packets, like
audio are delivered faster over say advertisements on a web page). Unfortunately in some
cases this doesn't work -- turning this functionality off won't actually "break" anything.

As for programming, I've been known to code here and there =)
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.



I wish I had Nancy's luck; it didn't work for me. I am running Windows
Messenger 5.1; so are my contacts. I invite someone to a conversation (voice
only, haven't tried video), they accept. At the very bottom of the
Conversation window, there is a phone icon with "Calling <name>'s computer"
on both of of our screens. After about 1 minute, I get the following
message: The network or computer you are trying to reach is experiencing a
problem. Please try again later. The other person get's a message the
conversation has ended.

I feel like Edison trying to invent the phone. Any ideas?

Thank you


Jonathan Kay said:
Hi Nancy,

The QoS (Quality of Service) packet scheduler basically schedules some internet "packets"
over some other, so that they're delivered more on time (therefore important packets, like
audio are delivered faster over say advertisements on a web page). Unfortunately in some
cases this doesn't work -- turning this functionality off won't actually "break" anything.

As for programming, I've been known to code here and there =)
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.

I recently installed a Logitech Quickcam for my mother on a Dell XP machine.
My brother installed the same camera on a nearly identical machine. When he
contacts my mother via Windows Messenge, his camera/microphone comes on
immediately upon launching WIndows Messenger, and we have no problem
receiving his video/audio. However, when my mother launches Windows
Messenger, for some reason Messenger does not turn on her camera/ microphone.

Nothing is wrong with the camera or microphone - when we launch
Quickcapture, the camera/microphone comes on and works perfectly well.

How can I get WIndows messenger to turn on the camera/microphone the way
that it is supposed to and the way that it does for my brother?

I've already installed the latest version of Windows Messenger.

Thanks for your advice.


Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings Rob,

She may just need to go through the Audio and Video Tuning Wizard. To do so, click the Tools
menu, then Audio Tuning Wizard and go through the wizard to setup everything.

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger/Windows Live Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2006 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.

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