Windows Messenger problem



I can send any file to anyone but I cannot receive files,
even when my firewall is turned off. I use windows
messenger 4.7.2009, WinXP Pro. Thanx everyone for help.

Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings Romario,

Due to the way Messenger receives files, any problem receiving files is most likely on the
side of the person sending (when you receive, you connect to your contact and download the
file). This is probably due to either the contact sending having a firewall that isn't allow
Messenger to connect to the correct ports, or not using a router with support for Messenger
file transfer, or an UPnP enabled router and MSN Messenger 5/6.

As well, if they continue to have problems, both you and your contact might want to try using
MSN Messenger 6 instead, which has a slightly newer file transfer protocol:
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -


But my contact can send files to others..
how can it be?
-----Original Message-----
Greetings Romario,

Due to the way Messenger receives files, any problem
receiving files is most likely on the
side of the person sending (when you receive, you
connect to your contact and download the
file). This is probably due to either the contact
sending having a firewall that isn't allow
Messenger to connect to the correct ports, or not using
a router with support for Messenger
file transfer, or an UPnP enabled router and MSN Messenger 5/6.

As well, if they continue to have problems, both you and
your contact might want to try using

Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Hi Romario,

Perhaps your contact is using MSN Messenger 6.x with your other contacts (where file transfer
can actually go through the Messenger servers and will *not* fail). The only way you can
take advantage of this is to use MSN Messenger 6.x as well.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -

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