Windows Media player

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How do I prevent from diplaying or erase my recently
viewed video files from windows media player. It seems
that my list of recently viewed videos still show up
under my kids' login. They aren't allowed to view the the
file, but the name still shows up, which is enough to
prompt more than enough questions.

Please respond to my email directly.
(e-mail address removed)

How do I prevent from diplaying or erase my recently
viewed video files from windows media player.

Tools...Options...Privacy. Uncheck "Save file and URL history in the
Player" at the bottom.
Brian Tillman Internet: Brian.Tillman at smiths-aerospace dot com
Smiths Aerospace Addresses modified to prevent SPAM.
3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS 1B3 Replace "at" with "@", "dot" with "."
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991
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