Windows Media Player not opening


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Usually, if I click on an e-mail attachment (from trusted sources) to play a WMV file, Windows Media Player will open and do it's thing. But, it has recently stopped doing that.

Now, when I click on the attachment, I can hear the sounds, but Media Player has not opened. If I go to "start" then click on it, it will open and continue to show the video.

WMP is set as the default player. I've looked at the "Options" but unless I'm missing something obvious, I can't find anything else to adjust. So does anyone have any ideas please? I know this is not a "big" problem, but it is a bit annoying.

Media Player Version: 11.0.6001.7004 running on Vista Home Premium SP1.

Thank you for any suggestions. :D

Madxgraphics said:
Well play with it till you are exsautesd ( incorrect spelling I think) then try re-installing :thumb:

I think you inspired me Madx :thumb: I decided to delve a bit more, I'd already checked "default" settings (as I mentioned) but, when I looked in Control Panel, I found that it needed an adjustment, thus:

Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Play CDs or other media automatically (If using Classic View, just go to "Auto Play.")

It was then just a matter of looking at "Audio files" and selecting WMP from the drop-down menu opposite.

It required a re-start but it's working fine again now.

I suspect something might have been altered by another application I tried out recently, (but then uninstalled 'cause I didn't like it.) Anyway, thought I'd explain what I did, in case it helps anyone else.

Thanks Madx :D
Taffy, my wondeful li kitty kat I am glad I was of inspiration....You know sometimes we look for answers, but all the time they stare us in the face.....