Windows XP Windows Media Player Help Please!!

May 15, 2006
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Wonder if anyone can help me...

I am running WMP9 but I can't open any files using it, however I can open files using mplayer2.

I get the error 800700C1 which is, '%1 is not a valid Win32 Application'

Can anyone help me please?
Please don't post twice in different areas, as it just confuses things :)

Try visiting the Windows Update website to upgrade to WMP10, as it should fix this and give you a newer version all at the same time :)
I have already upgraded to WMP10 but I get the same problem, so I rolled back...I only posted in two areas to get it noticed more! Nobody has replied yet :(
lilev2 said:
I have already upgraded to WMP10 but I get the same problem, so I rolled back...I only posted in two areas to get it noticed more! Nobody has replied yet :(

When did this start? did this all happen after an awkward crash, or after you played a certain file?
To be honest, I don't really know as I rarely use WMP, I just need it to work so I can use Sonicstage...
lilev2 said:
I have already upgraded to WMP10 but I get the same problem, so I rolled back...I only posted in two areas to get it noticed more! Nobody has replied yet :(
Have you rolled back to before the problem happened? I've searched the net but can't find a solution to this problem so you may have to contact MS support directly.

People can't reply straight away, and posting in two areas just confuses things - it was only 30 mins before a reply.
I can't roll back past WMP9 as that as what I originally had on my computer. I have tried some peoples' idea about changing the quartz.dll file but it isn't making any difference. what does the error '%1 is not a valid win32 application actually mean?
lilev2 said:
I can't roll back past WMP9 as that as what I originally had on my computer. I have tried some peoples' idea about changing the quartz.dll file but it isn't making any difference. what does the error '%1 is not a valid win32 application actually mean?

its a real swine to roll back to version 9!

its just not worth it!

if you really want to roll back and your serious with no options left.
the best way around it is to reinstall windows to a version with wmp9!
But I only trashed my computer a few weeks ago and loaded Windows XP on, which came standard with WMP9, so I'm confused as to what you mean...?
how did u trash your pc?

it looks like its just your media player

would u consider reinstalling windows?
I didn't trash it myself, but it was down in the normal way, FDisk blah blah blah...

If it is the only way I can fix it then yes, but I don't really want to, because then I will have two Documents & Settings folders and 2 OS won't I? Because I can't do clean install because I'll lose everything, no?
Real player sucks.....I found out the hard way. Dont use it for you can. :)

Can you not uninstall and reinstall WMP10? :confused:
V_R said:
Can you not uninstall and reinstall WMP10? :confused:


I have found media player is a real swine to unistall!

just format the harddrive using windows xp cd and then resinstall!
make sure u back up any data u need tho :P