I enable the AllowDrop property but there is no DragDrop or DragOver events
for the WindowsMediaPlayer control? I want to be able to drag a media file
onto the control and set the URL property to the filename so it will play.
What I did in VB6 was create a image control over the top of the media
player control and because it was transparent without an image assinged I
could use the image control dragdrop event and drag files over it and assign
the filename to the URL property of the MediaPlayer. This worked great.
Because there are no native transparent controls in VB.NET this doesn't work.
I have tried working with the
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True) but I could
not get it to work. Beside I don't see why the control doesn't have
dragdrop events?
for the WindowsMediaPlayer control? I want to be able to drag a media file
onto the control and set the URL property to the filename so it will play.
What I did in VB6 was create a image control over the top of the media
player control and because it was transparent without an image assinged I
could use the image control dragdrop event and drag files over it and assign
the filename to the URL property of the MediaPlayer. This worked great.
Because there are no native transparent controls in VB.NET this doesn't work.
I have tried working with the
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True) but I could
not get it to work. Beside I don't see why the control doesn't have
dragdrop events?