-----Original Message-----
Where are you calling the wmp.cmd file in the .sif file?
Do you have an entry in the GuiRunOnce section? Something
If you are already using the GuiRunOnce for another
install component you can write a script that runs
multiple components.
Hope that helps
-----Original Message-----
Howdy! Howdy!
I am sure that all of you are tired of my problems by
now. I have just a few more, I promise!
Trying to install Windows Media Player 9.0 with my RIS
images for WIN2000 SP3 and WINXP Pro SP1a. I have both of
the files ( MPSetup.exe and MPsetupXP.exe ) from the
Microsoft web site. I also went to the oem.microsoft.com
site and downloaded those OPK files as well (
MpSetup_2k_ENU.exe and MpSetup_WMP9_ENU.exe ).
I followed the directions and it is not working. Now what
does that mean? Well, I am a bit long-winded and it is a
bit involved. Long story short, when I go to the c:\WINNT
folder ( for WIN2000 ) or the C:\WINDOWS folder ( for
WINXP ) and manually run the wmp.cmd file it does not run
and gives me an error that the file name, path or
something else is incorrect.
I meet the requirements for installing WMP 9.0 so it is
not something that I overlooked. Well, not in that sense,
Here - in a nutshell - is what I am doing:
Have an $OEM$ folder at the same level as the I386 folder
within the image.
Created a $$ folder inside the $OEM$ folder.
Placed the executable ( both of them ) and the wmp.cmd
files inside that $$ folder.
Set up the AutoLogOn command in the .sif file - which
works just fine.
Here is the wmp.cmd file for the WIN2000 RIS image:
d"mpsetup.exe /Q:A /R:N /c:"setup_wm.exe /Q /R:N /NoPID /
Here is the wmp.cmd file for the WINXP RIS image:
"mpsetup.exe /Q:A /R:N /c:"setup_wm.exe /Q /R:N /NoPID /D
allowSystemRestore /p:#e"
I have checked. Both the executable and the .cmd files
are in the respective "WINNT" folder.
Anyone have any ideas? I am pulling out my hair here...
Thanks all,