Windows Media Player 11

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I now have Windows Media Player 10 on my notebook (WinXPsp2) and wonder how I
would install Windows MP 11? We are not too computer knowledgeable and would
not like to start something (downloading, etc.) that we would not be able to
complete and might possibly 'foul-up' our computer.
#1- Do we just download Windows MP 11 and click on the .exe file and it will
automatically install itself?
#2- Will it overwrite Windows MP 10, or do we have to delete MP 10 first?
#3- While MP 11 is installing, will it ask us any questions that we might
not be able to answer (because of our limited computer knowledge)?
#4- We are using dial-up and presume we would have to download it rather
than getting it on a CD.
#5- Should we just keep our MP 10 (easier for us) or would it be 'better'
for us to download the MP 11?
Can someone please answer (in user friendly terms) and offer any other
information that you might think necessary?
all u need to do is to click on a dponwload link for downloading medai
player 11, and go to download or install it, once installed it will
automatically transfer your media files u had stored before.
So all I have to do is download MediaPlayer 11 and it will over-write

yes all u need to to is go to the website and type in media
player 11 and it will direct u to the official page. it will say download
just click that.
media player 11 is ok, but there are a lot of new formatted sound types
appearing which the media player 11 does not support such as 'flac', which is
hard to come by for a codec. lol sorry to blabble on n confuse u :P
if u use msn my addy is (e-mail address removed) and if u ever need
further help just ask when i'm online.
hope this is ok