Ok. this post is both posted in the newsgroup, and I am emailing you
(as you requested an email - but it may not get there as I don't know
if I have my newsreader set-up correctly).
Underneath your quote (way down below after all of my writing here) is
an answer to your question someone else answered to you with, which
might be what is wrong. For some reason it might have that stuff
turned on by default because it didn't read any previous settings from
an older version. Just guessing.
A good music player is "Winamp", which is another media player besides
the Windows Media Player. It is free. & if you want to upgrade some
of it's functions and own the upgrade, it is only $15. I did it, just
so I can burn (copy music to a CD) at a faster speed than I would be
able to if I didn't buy the upgrade - but it is just a fine program
with the free version.
Winamp will also play the different video types too. I want it for
audio files only, so I clicked the box "play all audio file types",
and it left the video types alone (unchecked), leaving them to
RealPlayer & Windows Media Player. There are tons of file types this
program will play - any oddball audio formats you might encounter, but
really, MP3 is so popular, and the occasional .WAV file, and you might
never run across any other type for regular usage.
RealPlayer, another media player, also will play audio & video types.
It is free too. They try to sell you on an upgrade, but you don't
need it.
You only really need one of these 3 (Winamp, RealPlayer, or Windows
Media Player), but it is nice to specify what plays what type of
media. & if you like Interent radio, they all do that too. And
playlists (I don't use playlists, I prefer to go to whatever folder in
Windows and lauch that way). For RealPlayer, as with Winamp, get the
free version. They of course want you to upgrade to a paid for
version, but not necessary.
With any of these programs, by clicking on it to open the program, it
is going to connect to the Internet by default and take you to a
homepage and maybe show you a commercial. But, if you just go to
where your music is (using Windows, and opening a folder with your
music in it), then click on the windows "play" or "play all" button,
(or right click on a file to play), it will fire up one of these
programs we are talking and play - which-ever you have specified to
play that particular type of file, without connecting to a web page
on the Internet. Also, you can go into these programs and uncheck
default settings that connect them to the Internet when started. That
way, for example, you can open up RealPlayer, and not have it
connecting to the Internet, but it will connect if you if click on
something that needs an Internet connect
RealPlayer is really the most annoying for commercials, and you have
to endure them when it connects.
If you want to look at these two other media players, do a google
search and you'll get their home page, and download them (make sure
with RealPlayer you find the free version). Upon installation of the
RealPlayer & Winamp, they should ask you what types of files you want
it to play - usually it will want to have you play everything with
their product, so you've got to uncheck the stuff you don't want it to
play. To repeat, any of the 3 media players I am talking about will
play just about any of the major audio or video formats. You can also
change what plays what by opening them up after installation at any
time & checking/un-checking corresponding boxes (don't forget to
"apply" after changing something if there is an apply command).
And, just to be safe, if you check something, for example in Winamp,
like I did for the MP3 and all other audio formats, it is supposed to
also go into the other media player's settings and uncheck that box in
them, so you don't have overlaps. However, because sometimes I have
experienced this not happening, it is a good idea to go into all three
of these players, and make sure you have different things selected for
the different media file types = uncheck (and apply) the boxes that
might possibly be checked when they should be unchecked because you
want the other media player to handle that file type.. --- for
example, with Winamp,. I only want it to play MP3 music files and all
other audio types, so that box (MP3) is checked in Winamp, and go into
the other two media players & make sure that MP3 is not checked.
I use RealPlayer only for RealPlayer specific audio & video files,
(.rt, ,ra, .rm, .rmvb, .rv). And it will also play Apple Quicktime
movies too if you check the box (.mov). You don't come across the
Quicktime or the RPlayer stuff very often, but if you do, you can view
the stuff with RealPlayer.
So, I use the Windows Media Player to play all types of video except
the two I mention for Real Player. And I use Winamp for all types of
Audio & music files.
But you can use any for any (except the Real Player specific stuff,
with which you have to have RealPlayer for).
Big Mac
-----you original post, and an answer below it:
I have recently downloaded this off the Microsoft
homepage since my fathur deleted my old version and now
when I play my music through media player the sound comes
in very badly and the voices in the music are very quiet.
I have checked the help files there and nothing seemed to
work. I even tested the music off another player system
and it works fine. Any help would be useful just send it
to my email.