Windows ME won't install IE6 at all!

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I've been trying and trying for couple years now, to get my computer to
install Internet Explorer 6 and it wont install anything to do with it! I
would just leave it before, but now I'm running into the problem of not being
able to get into my Hotmail, or go to some of the sites linked on the MSN
homepage, nor even go to my own configured MSN start page! The error page I
get (not blue screen) is that I have to install IE6! Then THAT page I go to
says I have to have WindowsXP to install IE6!! There is also a link that
says if you are not using WindowsXP "to click here" - which I do and nothing
happens. Just refreshes to the same page telling me to "click here"
Every time I go to the critical updates page, of course it always says I
have to install IE6! I get it downloaded, no problem at all. Start to
install it and nothing happens; sometimes just hangs there, sometimes half
installs and then just stops installing (usually at 79% to 93%).
A couple years ago, someone sent me a link to a site for IE6 that was a HUGE
download file, that downloaded, installed and worked just fine. I had a major
problem with my puter just a little while ago, and had to reform disk.
Unfortunately I can't find the CD disc that I burned the setup file to, or
I'd have re-installed that particular version. Instead I went to the update
site and here we go again! I have noooo idea what the problem is.
Any ideas or suggestions on just what to do??
Hi Nanook :-)

I had a similar problem with ME when I had it on my machine, and wound up
having to send for the Cd and install it direct from that in order to get it
to work properly. BuUt, try the following and see if it helps:

In order to get a clean install, be sure your AV and all running processes
(e.g., OE, other IE windows) are closed. After the install, reboot when
directed and then immediately return to Windows Update to install all the
required patches not included with the IE6-SP1 download. Follow all prompts

Full IE6 77 MB package in one zipped file to install
and here

It works better for some users than others

You can also purchase a CD for $5.39 at


See Q257249;EN-US;q257249
Step by step instructions for the procedure described in Q257249 are here:


Courtesy of Jim Byrd -

Full Download sources:
(may be "branded" - to remove "branding", go to Start, choose Run, and type
or paste "rundll32 iedkcs32.dll,Clear" without the quotes.)


Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows/Internet Explorer
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Nanook said:
I've been trying and trying for couple years now, to get my computer
to install Internet Explorer 6 and it wont install anything to do
with it! I would just leave it before, but now I'm running into the
problem of not being able to get into my Hotmail, or go to some of
the sites linked on the MSN homepage, nor even go to my own
configured MSN start page! The error page I get (not blue screen) is
that I have to install IE6! Then THAT page I go to says I have to
have WindowsXP to install IE6!! There is also a link that says if
you are not using WindowsXP "to click here" - which I do and nothing
happens. Just refreshes to the same page telling me to "click here"
Every time I go to the critical updates page, of course it always
says I have to install IE6! I get it downloaded, no problem at all.
Start to install it and nothing happens; sometimes just hangs there,
sometimes half installs and then just stops installing (usually at
79% to 93%).
A couple years ago, someone sent me a link to a site for IE6 that was
a HUGE download file, that downloaded, installed and worked just
fine. I had a major problem with my puter just a little while ago,
and had to reform disk. Unfortunately I can't find the CD disc that I
burned the setup file to, or I'd have re-installed that particular
version. Instead I went to the update site and here we go again! I
have noooo idea what the problem is.
Any ideas or suggestions on just what to do??

These instructions are from Jim Byrd:

Yours is a fairly common complaint, and this is my standard spiel
about such install problems. There are three things you might want to
check. In any of these install fixes, to quote Steve Cochran, "It is
essential that no "interfering" software be running during the install and
subsequent reboot. This is particularly true of antivirus software. Most
or many of the corrupt installs involve installations while AV or other
software is loaded and these prevent the ability of the setup process to
upgrade dlls, and consequently installations fail or are incomplete." In
addition, I would suggest disabling ALL Norton software, particularly System
Doctor, if present.

Fix # 1: Try running ie6setup in Safe Mode. This was suggested by
Microsoft Support to one correspondent and worked for him after he had tried
the fixes described below. If it doesn't for you then try the following.

Fix # 2: First, make sure in Win Explorer/Tools/FolderOptions/View that you
show hidden and system files and show extensions. If your OS is NT, then
you MUST be logged on as Administrator both to install and for the first
reboot. Based on my own experience, I believe this is also a good practice
for Win2k, but MS does not say it's required in that case.

Look in your c:\windows\inf folder and see if you find any files named
oemxx.inf which have a length of 0 (zero), where the xx can be any number.
There could be potentially many thousands. If you do, you need to erase
these. To do this, first select the c:\windows\inf folder, then hit Search.
In the Search pane on the left, enter oem*.inf and down at the bottom click
Size and At Most and 1 (one). Then do Search. When it finishes, you should
have all of the zero length oemxx.inf files listed in the right pane along
with possibly some of size 1K. Do CNTL A to select all of them. Now hold
down CNTL while you click on (de-select) all of those at the top that are
1K, so the only the 0K size files are left selected. Now hold down SHIFT
and click DELETE to delete the zero length oemxx.inf files without sending
them to the Recycle Bin. It will take some time if you've a lot of these
files, so be patient. You'll know when it's done.

Now re-start your computer into DOS and run Scandisk C:, fixing any errors.
If you're not NT or Win2k, also run Scanreg /fix. Re-boot to Windows and
defrag your computer (which will also probably take a little time), and try
your install again from Safe mode.. If it works, fine.

Fix # 3: If not, or if you didn't have such zero length oemxx.inf type
files to start with, try the following. Find the c:\program files\internet
explorer\uninstall information folder (It may be named something slightly
different depending on your operating system, for example, just Uninstall in
WinME.) It probably will be hidden, and you will have to un-hid it. Right
click on the folder, select properties, then un-tick the Hidden attribute.
(If you don't have this folder, then create an empty one named: c:\program
files\internet explorer\uninstall information - now try your install again
in Safe mode, re-selecting all components, even those already bolded. See

Now create a new empty folder and call it something like "IE Delete Backup".
Move the contents of the \uninstall information folder to the new folder you
created. (Just the contents - leave the old folder there.) Now try the
install again from the start in Safe mode, re-selecting all components, even
those already bolded, that you want using the Advanced option, and see if
this works. It has in many, many cases, but not all. If it doesn't, you
can just restore the files you saved in "IE Delete Backup". Let us know how
you make out, so that if this doesn't help, perhaps someone else can suggest
something else for you. Regards, Jim Byrd

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
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Thanks so much ... Will certainly start trying all the great info you gave
me. Will let you know how I make out!
Thanks again.
~ Nanook
Hi Nanook :-)
Thanks so much ... Will certainly start trying all the great info you gave
me. Will let you know how I make out!
Thanks again.
~ Nanook

Per Noel Paton, MS Windows ME MVP -

Such symptoms are frequently the result of mistakenly attempting to
reinstall ME over itself without first reverting back to IE5.5 - the
resulting 'Version Soup' is almost impossible to repair, and the only sure
way known is to completely remove IE and then reinstall whichever version
you require.

Instructions for this process are here

Please post back if you need more details - preferably before attempting the

His site has a very detailed step-by-step process to get the IE6 installed.
This is the method that I used when I had "Version Soup" from so many
attempts to install it, and wound up messing things up good. Follow the
instructions carefully.

An additional note here, from my person experience. I have had this same
problem with my ME, and when you run the IEradicator, it will uninstall the
Internet Explorer, but, it should leave the Outlook Express operational. I
discovered this by accident, but, was very grateful that it did, as it
allowed me to continue Email contact with Noel and others who were assisting
me with my problem when I thought I was dead in the water with no IE or
other internet access and couldn't get it to reinstall.

We'll be here to help if necessary, just post back here. :-)

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows/Internet Explorer
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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