Windows Mail



I am operating Windows Vista and Windows Mail. I have set up Windows Mail to
receive email from my email account. It sends the email just
fine but I am unable to receive any email. I keep getting a message that the
POP3 server is timing out. I even set the time to 5 mins. It works just
fine on my other computer that runs Windows XP and Outlook 03.
I get the following error:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: '', Server: '',
Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F
I called the folks and they indicated that I had all the
settings correct.
I really need help with this.....Thanks for any assistance...


I tired sending/receving email and once again got below message:
Account: '', Server: '', Protocol:
POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19

Gary VanderMolen

Chances are, your antivirus is interfering with email reception.
Which antivirus are you running?
As a minimum, email scanning in the antivirus program must be disabled.
Let us know if that solves the problem. If not, we can give you some
additional suggestions.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Linda said:
I am operating Windows Vista and Windows Mail. I have set up Windows Mail
receive email from my email account. It sends the email just
fine but I am unable to receive any email. I keep getting a message that
POP3 server is timing out. I even set the time to 5 mins. It works just
fine on my other computer that runs Windows XP and Outlook 03.
I get the following error:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
inactivity. Account: '', Server: '',
Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F
I called the folks and they indicated that I had all the
settings correct.
I really need help with this.....Thanks for any assistance...

Looks like a typo. is it really ''? mom and flies both
look strange.

Also, Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude
EML files from the scan. It provides no protection not provided by the
regular resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled. The latest version of Trend's
anti-virus seems to be causing problems too.


I have Trend Micro Anti virus and I will try what you suggest. How do I
disable the email scanning within the Anti virus program?


Gary, I figured out how to turn off the email scanning. I will try to see if
that works.
Thank your for your help.


No, it isn't a email is
Thanks for your suggestion. How do I exclude eml files from the scan? I
have Trend Micro Antivirus.


So what solution should I pursue? changing to a different anti virus 'or'
purchasing Microsoft Outlook 07?

Gary VanderMolen

If turning off the email scanning does not fix the problem, do a trial
uninstall of your Trend Micro antivirus. If no improvement, you can
always reinstall it.

If the uninstall cures the problem, download and install a replacement
antivirus. Acceptable free antivirus programs are:
AVG free edition:
Avast free edition:

With either of those, during the install phase you must select custom
install, and then deselect the email scanning module.

Another option (in lieu of uninstalling Trend Micro) is to upgrade to
Windows Live Mail, which is more resistant to the adverse effects of
aggressive antivirus products:

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no protection not provided by the regular
resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled. The latest version of Trend's
anti-virus seems to be causing problems too.

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