windows mail



I have been using vista for 12 months and i now i am unable to open
attatchments can any body help me please

Gary VanderMolen

Any error message when you try?
Can you save the attachment and open the saved file outside of Windows Mail?
Which types of attachments, .DOC, .PPS, .XLS?


No . No message it just highlights and wont open. I cannot save and open
anything even ones that I opened last week I cannot open now


Problems in Windows Mail are often due to interference from an
antivirus program. What if any antivirus programs do you have, and have
you ever had a Norton or McAfee antivirus program on that computer?

Also check if you have either the Google Toolbar program or the SMS
Desktop program installed on your computer. If you do, uninstall it.
A website that offers to do a Google search for you does not cause such

kenneth said:
No . No message it just highlights and wont open. I cannot save and open
anything even ones that I opened last week I cannot open now

Gary VanderMolen

You can't save attachments or you can't open saved attachments?
Which is it?

Which antivirus are you running? Some of them are not very compatible
with Windows Mail, and will cause this type of problem over time.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP

kenneth said:
No . No message it just highlights and wont open. I cannot save and open
anything even ones that I opened last week I cannot open now

andrew culloden


Only had the computor a few weeks, having problems opening any attatchments.
Message reads.

Could not open (file name) general.doc because its either not a supported
file type or because the file has been damaged, or not correctly decoded.

The attatchments are from different people with same message, any ideas ?

andrew culloden


thanks for the reply, i have tried to save the atttchment to the documents
folder, then open the file but still i have error messages. Can anything be
done from the options security settings. Or, why when i try to open the
attatchment does the system the go automatically to adobe reader ?


Gary VanderMolen

You did not answer my first question.

If you can't open a saved attachment, then your problem is not with
Windows Mail.

In order to open a specific document, you must have a compatible
application that can handle that document type.

andrew culloden


Have now fixed the problem, for some reason the attatchments were in pdf
format, even though they were sent in word format, i have gone onto where a fix is available
this now opens the attatchments.


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