Jan Nickerson
Just after I upgraded adobe, Windows Mail stopped working.
I get an error message: Windows Mail cannot be started, initialize junk
filtering. Your computer may be out of memory or your disk is full
Followed by the error message that says: Windows Mail could not be started
because MSOE.DLL could not be initialized.
My computer has used only 100GB of 200, so disk full is not a problem.
My operating system is Vista. I run Vipre antivirus – no other anti-virus
is installed. Hardware is HP laptop.
Vipre says I have no problems and is updated. The quick scan was clean. The
deep scan isolated and quarantined 4 traces of Trojan.JS.redirector.bg(v) and
1 trace of Trojan.JS.Decdec.a(v)
What do I do to get Windows Mail working again?
I get an error message: Windows Mail cannot be started, initialize junk
filtering. Your computer may be out of memory or your disk is full
Followed by the error message that says: Windows Mail could not be started
because MSOE.DLL could not be initialized.
My computer has used only 100GB of 200, so disk full is not a problem.
My operating system is Vista. I run Vipre antivirus – no other anti-virus
is installed. Hardware is HP laptop.
Vipre says I have no problems and is updated. The quick scan was clean. The
deep scan isolated and quarantined 4 traces of Trojan.JS.redirector.bg(v) and
1 trace of Trojan.JS.Decdec.a(v)
What do I do to get Windows Mail working again?