M Micko Aug 23, 2010 #1 Hi. Can I update Windows Mail? If so how do I go about it??? Kind regards, Mick.
M MacCorkindale Aug 23, 2010 #2 Micko said: Hi. Can I update Windows Mail? If so how do I go about it??? Kind regards, Mick. Click to expand... Hi Mick, This is a bit confusing, what you want to Update. Is it WM client (application as such) or just your Mail Box ? Check this link and find what you need; http://www.google.co.uk/search?sour...&rlz=1T4SNCA_en___GB351&q=Windows+Mail+Update
Micko said: Hi. Can I update Windows Mail? If so how do I go about it??? Kind regards, Mick. Click to expand... Hi Mick, This is a bit confusing, what you want to Update. Is it WM client (application as such) or just your Mail Box ? Check this link and find what you need; http://www.google.co.uk/search?sour...&rlz=1T4SNCA_en___GB351&q=Windows+Mail+Update
B Bruce Hagen Aug 23, 2010 #3 All production of Windows Mail ceased in June, 2006. The only 'update' would be to swicth to Windows Live Mail, if it is a program you like. Windows Live Mail (Overview, Features & Download) http://get.live.com/wlmail/overview
All production of Windows Mail ceased in June, 2006. The only 'update' would be to swicth to Windows Live Mail, if it is a program you like. Windows Live Mail (Overview, Features & Download) http://get.live.com/wlmail/overview