there is no such reg key "don´t load" given in my system. however i created
one on my one and put "mail" inside as binary value. here i added 0 and
restarted the box, but still no joy. then i ran a cross check and added
"fonts" with a value of 1 (fonts is already given beneath control panel).
however it still appeared beneath control panel after a reboot of my laptop.
any (further) idea on this or regarding my still existing problem in
thanks in advance / danke im voraus - fritz
Fritz Theiss
You can try the following. Maybe it will work
Control Panel - Icons Missing
Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT
Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load
Look in the right pane and you'll see the Control Panel Icons that have been
disabled. You can either right click on the "don't load" subkey and select
Delete to restore all disabled icons, or you can right click on each of the
items in the right pane and select Delete to selectively restore them.
Scroll up to Control Panel Applets for a listing of what each one is.
The change will be seen the next time you open Control Panel.
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Fritz Theiss said:
sorry, but there seems to be a misunderstanding. i am not looking for the
windows mail settings. i am looking for the settings to be used for my
outlook 2007. i need to do something here, which cannot be done within
outlook -> account settings itself...