Windows-Mail integration to sidebar


alex speedy

is there any sidebar gadget that shows my email-accounts´ data on the
sidebar ? does not need too many functions, maybe only the number of new
unread emails and maybe the headlines or so ...

Thnks in advance.

Steve Cochran

Yeah, that's possible, but there seem to be some issues with using gadgets
employing those functions, as they seem to prevent some other functions
within WinMail. But what you are asking for is doable.



But what "gadget" does one recommend, at all, for Window Vista Mail? An
e-mail pen pal of mine in Guernsey says she has a notification in hers, and
it was already there, apparently, and works well. She loves it.

I went to "get more gadgets" and ran through about five different ones. None
would interface with Windows Mail. They all wanted Outlook, or Outlook
Express. A few of them wouldn't even install, even though they were billed as
"gadgets" for the sidebar.

Does anyone know what one(s) does (do) work?

Steve Cochran

I haven't reviewed them. I just had tested programming one to see how it
could be done. I don't know how one could have a gadget for OE, since OE
doesn't exist in Vista.



On the "OE" comment, I agree, but when I looked at the "email" catagory for
"more gadgets" many of them were named thus. They certainly did not
communicate at all with, or for, Windows MAIL in Vista!

In any case, I tried five, and five failed in various ways, totally. Either
failed to perform, or failed to install.

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