We send out email campaigns to our customers that request email from
us notifying them specials/sales/... We are a ligitimate company and
these emails are only sent to customers that request these emails. A
customer has a Vista system and is using Microsoft Mail to read is
emails messages. He reports that email he gets from us is blocked by
the mail reader and he receives the following message "Windows Mail
thinks this email is suspicious and has blocked it" and has the option
to rad the mail anyway.
My questions are
- why does our email get flagged as phishing email?
- is there a list that we are on for some reason the lists us as a
phishers that
MS Mail consults before opening an email?
- if so does anyone know how to contact the keeper ofthe list to
inquire as to how
we got on it and how to get off of it?
Thanks for any suggestions.
We send out email campaigns to our customers that request email from
us notifying them specials/sales/... We are a ligitimate company and
these emails are only sent to customers that request these emails. A
customer has a Vista system and is using Microsoft Mail to read is
emails messages. He reports that email he gets from us is blocked by
the mail reader and he receives the following message "Windows Mail
thinks this email is suspicious and has blocked it" and has the option
to rad the mail anyway.
My questions are
- why does our email get flagged as phishing email?
- is there a list that we are on for some reason the lists us as a
phishers that
MS Mail consults before opening an email?
- if so does anyone know how to contact the keeper ofthe list to
inquire as to how
we got on it and how to get off of it?
Thanks for any suggestions.