Windows mail blocking some attatcments

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Since installing Vista I find that Windows mail blocks some (but not all)
attatchments. Outlook still gets all the attatchments but I can't get them
all in Windows mail. I seem to be getting attachments sent from some email
addresses, but can't receive any attatchments from certain addresses?

Any ideas
I just wanted to let you know that I am experiencing the same ideas. I have
tried almost everything, but keep me in touch with your findings. You can
reach me at (e-mail address removed)
if I find anything, I will notify you here.

Thanks Steve but I've checked this and it still doesn't work.
Any other thoghts would be appreciated.

Are you receiving messages without the attachments or not receiving the
messages at all? What is the file size of the messages? What is the file
extension of the attachments?

I've tried emailing jpegs and Excel files (small ones) from my work PC to my
home PC. My home PC runs both Outlook and Windows mail. If I use outlook to
collect my mail I get the message and the attatchment, but if I use Windows
mail I get the message without an attatchment. Other people have mailed jpeg
atttchements to me that I have successfully received with both email programs.
If you are mailing from work and use Outlook, then do not use RTF format as
Winmail cannot interpret it and cannot get the attachments from the message
then. You have to use plain text or HTML format.

I said that already, but its obvious you are doing that if you get them in
Outlook and not in Winmail.
