Shirley said:
What happened
My laptop is used for work, school and personal stuff.
It was set up by the tech guys we have for the office, I know that I
can get into the server at the office through my laptop so when I did
what you suggested, it brang me up three different choices and it
will let me change the password but when I go to log on, it will only
take the old one. So I must not be doing something right. I am the
only person on the laptop so the only user is me.
If you are logging into a domain instead of a local account on your
workstation, you won't see your account in the local users & groups on the
If you're logging into the local workstation, but connecting to resources on
a network/domain, you don't want to change your local password, as it likely
needs to match the password you have set on the account on the remote
machine/server...unless you are passing along credentials via other means.
You can change your password on a domain *only* when you are
in the office, connected on that'd use CTRL+Alt+DEL and
choose the Change Password option.
If I were you, I would talk to your IT staff at work about this - and about
anything related to your computer, to make sure you don't break anything you
need working.