Windows Logo Compliant Applications

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My company develops software for end user. We have some .net software which
we would like to sell to end users and we would like to make the software
"Windows Logo Compliant". Does any one know where or how we can get info on
how to do this?

One of the biggest problems is when the applications are run from a non
admin user the application can not access the registry or program files, this
limits what the app can do. What is the best way to get around this?

Any info would help.
francis said:
My company develops software for end user. We have some .net software
we would like to sell to end users and we would like to make the software
"Windows Logo Compliant". Does any one know where or how we can get info
how to do this?

One of the biggest problems is when the applications are run from a non
admin user the application can not access the registry or program files,
limits what the app can do. What is the best way to get around this?

Any info would help.

Well.... here's the "Logo" info anyway... since I'm just "poking around
here", I can't help with .Net specific issues. If it were VB6, I'd say...
use an ini file of some kind instead of the registry.

Certified for Windows Program
One of the biggest problems is when the applications are run from a non
admin user the application can not access the registry or program files, this
limits what the app can do. What is the best way to get around this?

Easy: don't access files or registry key that the user can not access. It
all depends what your app is supposed to do. If what you want to do is to
store the user settings somewhere for example, then the .NET way of doing
that is to serialize the user settings into an XML or binary file (with the
XmlSerializer class for example) and store this file in an Isolated Storage
(see the IsolatedStorage class). This ensures you that the user will always
have access to its settings file no matter wether he is administrator or
not and that no other user will overwrite its settings file.

Now if you are developping some kind of administration tool that *has* to
read and write values from adminstrator's only areas, then there is of
course no way around that. That's the whole point of having different
security levels for different users.