Phil Mackes
I keep my computer on almost all the time...when I am not
using it...my screen saver goes up...then after 20 mins my
monitor goes on standby...then when I go to use it
again...a screen is popped up saying that microsoft has
locked up...it asks me for my user name and
password...fortunately I don't have a user name and
password and I can just click "ok"...I just don't
understand where this window came from...and why it s
doing this all of a sudden...I had my computer for 1 year
and it never did this before...also...I would like to know
if I can stop my computer from "locking up"...and if there
is any way to prevent this from happening in the
using it...my screen saver goes up...then after 20 mins my
monitor goes on standby...then when I go to use it
again...a screen is popped up saying that microsoft has
locked up...it asks me for my user name and
password...fortunately I don't have a user name and
password and I can just click "ok"...I just don't
understand where this window came from...and why it s
doing this all of a sudden...I had my computer for 1 year
and it never did this before...also...I would like to know
if I can stop my computer from "locking up"...and if there
is any way to prevent this from happening in the