windows live today won't load

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Metzler
  • Start date Start date

Gary Metzler

Hi all,

I am using windows xp home sr2 and windows live messenger 2008 1302.1018.
When I go to the goto tab under file and open window live today all I get is
loading windows live today. that's where it stops. Has anyone else had
this problem and if so how did you fix it? Any help would be most
appreciated. thanks,


Regards, Gary Metzler
Outta Sight Travel, Inc.
610 NW Marion Ave.
Port St. Lucie FL 34983
Phone: 772-336-8747
send to: (e-mail address removed)
Msn messenger: (e-mail address removed)
Skype name: garymetz
Greetings Gary,

Has it just recently broken or has it never worked? I actually haven't seen Today down in a
long time, but it is possible.

In some cases though, it could just be a third-party software firewall that's blocking
Messenger from opening the today page.

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Live Messenger
MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
MessengerGeek Blog:
Messenger Resources:
(c) 2008 Jonathan Kay - If redistributing, you must include this signature or citation
Hi Jonathan,

The today tab did work at one time. But, not lately. I am using att
internet security suite which has a firewall. The firewall hasn't given me
a problem in the past. I just can't figure this out.
My Office Manager is having the same problem today with Windows Live Today -
She likes for it to to open when her computer is booted up each morning.
Today it didn't, and she wants me to find out why. I prefer it not open on
my computer, but I can't even get to it today for whatever reason. So you
think it may be a firewall preventing it from loading? Thanks!