windows live mail



Hi I have just used windows mail for the first time ever and when I go to my
own homepage (btyahoo) mail my email has all gone! How can I put this right
as I prefer to use btyahoo mail as usual? thanks


jan_a_gran said:
Hi I have just used windows mail for the first time ever and when I go to
own homepage (btyahoo) mail my email has all gone! How can I put this
as I prefer to use btyahoo mail as usual? thanks

Tools menu>accounts>select your account>properties>advanced tab>set to leave
messages on the server>apply/ok

Gary VanderMolen

mac said:
Tools menu>accounts>select your account>properties>advanced tab>set to leave
messages on the server>apply/ok

Jan, just be aware that this setting will only affect future emails. It does
nothing for emails already downloaded. There is no automated method to
put those back. All you can do is forward them one at a time.


Thanks for that now another question lol How can I return the mails to my
original mailbox? When I try to forward them I get error message!


jan_a_gran said:
Thanks for that now another question lol How can I return the mails to my
original mailbox? When I try to forward them I get error message!

Select the error message, right click on it, copy.

Paste the complete, unedited, error in to your reply here.


An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Fw: Microsoft Community Notification
- windows live mail', Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '421 Cannot connect
to SMTP server (, connect error 10060',
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67
thanks for this


jan_a_gran said:
An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Fw: Microsoft Community
- windows live mail', Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '421 Cannot
to SMTP server (, connect error 10060',
Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67
thanks for this

What Anti Virus software do you have installed, Norton?

This looks to me like interference from a third party mail scanning
application, turn off all mail scanning and try to forward.

Can you forward any of your other mail than the ones from the Microsoft
Community Notification?

[I need to point out to you that this newsgroup deals only with problems
with Windows Mail in Vista.
You are using Windows Live Mail, the correct newsgroup for you is

You may get better help over there from the guys who are more conversant
with Windows Live Mail, and its problems?]

Gary VanderMolen

Looks like a temporary server error. Try again later.

Incidentally, there is no automated or bulk way to return all those
downloaded emails to the server. You will need to forward them
one at a time.

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