I do not consider this to be a problem but it does look odd. When I close an
open thread the page...lol...looks like a bar code...I only wondered if this
could mean something is wrong because nothing else I have seen does this. I
do remember visiting a website and if I scrolled before the entire page
loaded, and that did take 30 seconds at least, Activision I think it was,
about 6 months ago, I think it still does that...but if I scrolled the page
that I could not see until I scrolled the page would look like a....bar
code...vertically...I think that is quite funny...it looks like a bar
open thread the page...lol...looks like a bar code...I only wondered if this
could mean something is wrong because nothing else I have seen does this. I
do remember visiting a website and if I scrolled before the entire page
loaded, and that did take 30 seconds at least, Activision I think it was,
about 6 months ago, I think it still does that...but if I scrolled the page
that I could not see until I scrolled the page would look like a....bar
code...vertically...I think that is quite funny...it looks like a bar