Windows Live Mail Desktop

  • Thread starter Thread starter JerryM \(ID\)
  • Start date Start date
JerryM (ID) said:
This is one of the best Email programs I have ever used.

I'd have to disagree with that. Outlook is far surperior to
anything out there. I am a huge fan of Outlook 2003 and
have come to like Outlook 2007... I use both. I have really
started to appreciate the changes to Office 2007.
Give it a try.

If you don't mind adware it might be okay. The last time
I tested it, I did not like it. Not at all.

Hi, Michael,

I have always been ready to try out new programs,
Windows Live One Care is another one I like,
and you can't beat the price at $19.00 for 3 computers.

I am not into programming, so I don't have much to worry about.
And so far I have been very lucky not to have any kind of virus or malware.

I have been using computers since Commodore 64 and Windows 3 came out, so
I'm not a beginner.

Anyway have a good day,

JerryM (ID) said:
I have always been ready to try out new programs,
Windows Live One Care is another one I like,
and you can't beat the price at $19.00 for 3 computers.

Free beats that price!

One of my computers had OneCare, and it developed the dreaded
stuck message in the WinMail outbox. It bothers me that OneCare
has no provision for turning off email scanning.
True, free is nice,

I keep Windows Live Mail just for my E-Mail on a restricted setting,
and I use WindowsMail for all my news forums.
Both are on all the time without any interference.

So far I have had no problems with any Virus or Malware.
