Windows Issues

Mar 5, 2004
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Hi all,

I don't know why I do this to myself! I've made changes to my machine again and now I have problems. :-(

I use my machine for work, so email, web, MS Office etc. as well as playing the odd game, mainly fortnite.

I've been using a Dell ultra sharp 24" monitor and all has been fine. I needed to buy another monitor anyway so went for a Dell gaming monitor (S2721DGF). It's a 1440p 165hz monitor. That's now my main one and the other dell is a second monitor (I have a crappy old samsung as a 3rd too).

At the same time, I installed a new Samsung EVO 970 Pro 1TB and did a completely new windows install.

The problem I'm having now, is that everything feels sluggish. The machine in general, but also fortnite, even though I'd turned a lot of the settings down.

I've got no idea why things are sluggish when I've added a better SSD and a new monitor and a fresh windows install. :-( All the drivers are up to date.

Also, not sure if it's pertinent or not, every so often the monitor will go black for a couple of seconds then come back on.

Can/does/is the graphic card able to run the new monitor correctly?

need the Dell specs, all hardware
OK, really weird. I'm on the computer again and have more info to share. :-)

So I have 3 monitors, my main middle one (the new one) and the other 2 either side. I have my work email on the middle on and web (this website etc.) on the right hand one. I have Fortnite running on the middle one but on desktop 2. You know what I mean, when you can swipe to the side using CTRL + Windows + cursor key.

The slowdown and mouse changing colour is on the middle monitor while fortnite is running on desktop 2, but as soon as I mouse over to screen 1 or 3 on either side, it's absolutely fine!! The mouse is juddery on the 27" in monitor but fine on the other two. Urgh!!
Is screen 'one' the middle screen? It should be. two & three can be on either side, I have # two on the right & #three on the left. NO power-saving anything!

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Yeah. One is in the middle and 2 on the right and 3 on the left. Same as you. :-)