Windows XP Windows Installer

Jun 14, 2005
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Every time a friend boots his computer Windows Installer kicks in trying to install 'Photo Gallery' and asking for a disk 1 inserting. He doesn't know what disk it refers to and just wants to stop it but it starts every time he boots up.
Any ideas how to remove or stop this?
He's using XP Pro.
The problem is he doesn't know anything about 'Photo Gallery' and has no disks for it and didn't install it!!!
A badly written program might be doing this.
It happened to me when I installed CDburner Pro a freeware.

This might be related, but it didnt happen durring boot.

I would click on the Icon and the MS installer wanted to install MS Piture It, a photo editor.
I uninstalled it and the problem went away.

Find out what the last program he might of installed when the problem started.

I think mucks can help ya with stopping it.
I think that this software comes with a scanner driver cd or printer driver cd.
I had this problem when i installed norton corporate edition, after i uninstalled it, the problem disappeared.
Thanks for the help, unfortunately I won't see this guy for a couple of weeks as I'm off to Turkey for a break. Will pick up when I get back.