KGB Bristol
For the past couple of months, every time I boot up my PC, I get the message
'Waiting to install...'. It delays my bootup process but never works
successfully. I've found the following in my WindowsUpdate.log file, but
can't find any helpful references to the error numbers anywhere on the
Does anyone know what I could do to stop this happening? I'm getting really
fed up with the time it takes to boot up the PC!
2008-01-04 12:32:50:296 2004 788 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.381, tz: -0000) ===========
2008-01-04 12:32:50:593 2004 788 Misc = Process:
2008-01-04 12:32:50:593 2004 788 Misc = Module:
2008-01-04 12:32:50:296 2004 788 Service *************
2008-01-04 12:32:50:593 2004 788 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2008-01-04 12:32:50:609 2004 788 Service *********
2008-01-04 12:32:55:156 2004 788 Agent * WU client version 7.0.6000.381
2008-01-04 12:32:55:156 2004 788 Agent * Base directory:
2008-01-04 12:32:55:796 2004 788 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2008-01-04 12:32:55:796 2004 788 Agent * Network state: Connected
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2008-01-04 12:33:42:359 2004 788 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
Updates ###########
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every
day at 3:00
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
(User preference)
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-01-05 03:00:00
2008-01-04 12:33:43:875 2004 788 Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2008-01-04 12:33:43:875 2004 788 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.65792
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Computer Brand = FUJITSU SIEMENS
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Computer Model = Amilo M3438
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Bios Revision = 1.00C
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Bios Name = BIOS Date: 04/22/05
08:18:13 Ver: 08.00.11
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Bios Release Date =
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Locale ID = 1033
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU #############
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU #########
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {1A0524ED-10B8-4402-A8D9-51E4DC812723}]
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent *************
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent *********
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent * ServiceID =
2008-01-04 12:33:52:281 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {7C997700-2131-441C-A59C-6E8EC23190B3}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:52:468 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {2D891B46-3C12-4277-9867-952E46B775B0}.101, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:54:437 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {EE5A7204-23E0-4EFC-9919-E61DB63B06B3}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:55:031 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {6D6FD00B-5750-4C4B-B6B2-4D7D0C078F2E}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:56:000 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {F6A2A018-4EA3-4F27-9399-642F85CA37A5}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:56:671 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {3E8B2C26-6EF1-43B5-A554-EDE2F3F69C35}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:56:906 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {2A3DB32F-835E-4E3D-9B21-2F6902C24AE5}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:57:421 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {E1AB0236-F707-44A9-A595-531984FB9B87}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:57:953 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {A0E2899A-678B-4FDE-A8E4-BF030FFBC221}.102, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:58:156 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {C93B9D45-F1A5-4BCF-830C-8A02C80D9E7F}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:58:812 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {0F30DE54-E4F8-47C3-8F28-6664BE679C41}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:59:156 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {6C2CFA56-D175-4615-B196-185837C3B007}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:59:859 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {2572875C-4D20-46B3-B595-59CDB3DD9AA9}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:265 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {8812B971-640A-4108-93F7-BED7EFE62FBD}.52, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:390 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {C4FB7C7B-0A44-4897-A5B5-36F62C962CB9}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:609 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {9D777187-D961-4F6C-8FDB-639F16659BEC}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:859 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {52C8F48B-F362-4224-8387-1329A5DACABD}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:03:062 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {E610E1F9-54DA-470A-ADD6-675B547650ED}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:03:312 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {4423C59A-5AF5-4FA0-B6B0-AA8193132525}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:04:375 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {0C00DCB6-4B81-47F9-B9D2-5423B27A84FF}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:05:921 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {AC1CE3C8-B3F1-41F9-9AE9-A2A41DA2DE04}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:06:578 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {61ABE3CF-E9ED-4765-94B0-E18B2FA5992F}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:06:765 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {789EB8D2-1449-40A9-A4B3-415A66665FB9}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:06:921 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {FAE39EDA-565D-4D8E-8A3E-ECFF653683CE}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:07:218 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {E5FBC0DD-9541-4D71-921C-BD855F69AD15}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:24:046 2004 77c Agent * Found 0 updates and 32 categories
in search; evaluated appl. rules of 998 out of 1455 deployed entities
2008-01-04 12:34:28:390 2004 77c Agent *********
2008-01-04 12:34:28:390 2004 77c Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-01-04 12:34:28:390 2004 77c Agent *************
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {1A0524ED-10B8-4402-A8D9-51E4DC812723}]
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU # 0 updates detected
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU #########
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {1A0524ED-10B8-4402-A8D9-51E4DC812723}]
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU #############
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-01-05 03:00:00
2008-01-04 12:34:28:500 2004 77c Report REPORT EVENT:
{F60BE4FF-D0F9-4663-A57F-8BF19716687C} 2008-01-04
12:33:42:375-0000 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.
'Waiting to install...'. It delays my bootup process but never works
successfully. I've found the following in my WindowsUpdate.log file, but
can't find any helpful references to the error numbers anywhere on the
Does anyone know what I could do to stop this happening? I'm getting really
fed up with the time it takes to boot up the PC!
2008-01-04 12:32:50:296 2004 788 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.381, tz: -0000) ===========
2008-01-04 12:32:50:593 2004 788 Misc = Process:
2008-01-04 12:32:50:593 2004 788 Misc = Module:
2008-01-04 12:32:50:296 2004 788 Service *************
2008-01-04 12:32:50:593 2004 788 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2008-01-04 12:32:50:609 2004 788 Service *********
2008-01-04 12:32:55:156 2004 788 Agent * WU client version 7.0.6000.381
2008-01-04 12:32:55:156 2004 788 Agent * Base directory:
2008-01-04 12:32:55:796 2004 788 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2008-01-04 12:32:55:796 2004 788 Agent * Network state: Connected
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned
2008-01-04 12:33:41:625 2004 788 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2008-01-04 12:33:42:359 2004 788 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
Updates ###########
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every
day at 3:00
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
(User preference)
2008-01-04 12:33:42:375 2004 788 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-01-05 03:00:00
2008-01-04 12:33:43:875 2004 788 Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2008-01-04 12:33:43:875 2004 788 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.65792
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Computer Brand = FUJITSU SIEMENS
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Computer Model = Amilo M3438
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Bios Revision = 1.00C
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Bios Name = BIOS Date: 04/22/05
08:18:13 Ver: 08.00.11
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Bios Release Date =
2008-01-04 12:33:43:953 2004 788 Report * Locale ID = 1033
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU AU finished delayed initialization
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU #############
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU #########
2008-01-04 12:33:44:125 2004 788 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {1A0524ED-10B8-4402-A8D9-51E4DC812723}]
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent *************
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent *********
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download
priority = No
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and
IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and
DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or
IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and
IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2008-01-04 12:33:45:500 2004 77c Agent * ServiceID =
2008-01-04 12:33:52:281 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {7C997700-2131-441C-A59C-6E8EC23190B3}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:52:468 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {2D891B46-3C12-4277-9867-952E46B775B0}.101, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:54:437 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {EE5A7204-23E0-4EFC-9919-E61DB63B06B3}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:55:031 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {6D6FD00B-5750-4C4B-B6B2-4D7D0C078F2E}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:56:000 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {F6A2A018-4EA3-4F27-9399-642F85CA37A5}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:56:671 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {3E8B2C26-6EF1-43B5-A554-EDE2F3F69C35}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:56:906 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {2A3DB32F-835E-4E3D-9B21-2F6902C24AE5}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:57:421 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {E1AB0236-F707-44A9-A595-531984FB9B87}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:57:953 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {A0E2899A-678B-4FDE-A8E4-BF030FFBC221}.102, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:58:156 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {C93B9D45-F1A5-4BCF-830C-8A02C80D9E7F}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:58:812 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {0F30DE54-E4F8-47C3-8F28-6664BE679C41}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:59:156 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {6C2CFA56-D175-4615-B196-185837C3B007}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:33:59:859 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {2572875C-4D20-46B3-B595-59CDB3DD9AA9}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:265 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {8812B971-640A-4108-93F7-BED7EFE62FBD}.52, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:390 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {C4FB7C7B-0A44-4897-A5B5-36F62C962CB9}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:609 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {9D777187-D961-4F6C-8FDB-639F16659BEC}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:02:859 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {52C8F48B-F362-4224-8387-1329A5DACABD}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:03:062 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {E610E1F9-54DA-470A-ADD6-675B547650ED}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:03:312 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {4423C59A-5AF5-4FA0-B6B0-AA8193132525}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:04:375 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {0C00DCB6-4B81-47F9-B9D2-5423B27A84FF}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:05:921 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {AC1CE3C8-B3F1-41F9-9AE9-A2A41DA2DE04}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:06:578 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {61ABE3CF-E9ED-4765-94B0-E18B2FA5992F}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:06:765 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {789EB8D2-1449-40A9-A4B3-415A66665FB9}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:06:921 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {FAE39EDA-565D-4D8E-8A3E-ECFF653683CE}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:07:218 2004 77c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate
Installable rule, updateId = {E5FBC0DD-9541-4D71-921C-BD855F69AD15}.100, hr =
2008-01-04 12:34:24:046 2004 77c Agent * Found 0 updates and 32 categories
in search; evaluated appl. rules of 998 out of 1455 deployed entities
2008-01-04 12:34:28:390 2004 77c Agent *********
2008-01-04 12:34:28:390 2004 77c Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-01-04 12:34:28:390 2004 77c Agent *************
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {1A0524ED-10B8-4402-A8D9-51E4DC812723}]
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU # 0 updates detected
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU #########
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates
[CallId = {1A0524ED-10B8-4402-A8D9-51E4DC812723}]
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU #############
2008-01-04 12:34:28:406 2004 d5c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
2008-01-05 03:00:00
2008-01-04 12:34:28:500 2004 77c Report REPORT EVENT:
{F60BE4FF-D0F9-4663-A57F-8BF19716687C} 2008-01-04
12:33:42:375-0000 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.