Windows XP Windows installation wizard appearing on start-up! Help!!!

Jun 2, 2005
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Help……I was having a clear up of my computer yesterday (history/files etc) and I now find myself thinking I’ve lost my entire Windows software??

I deleted my temp Internet files, cookies and history (on internet options) followed by some other files (word/music/movie). I emptied my recycle bin and then I noticed that on my drop-up tool bar (Start – bottom left of screen) the top four icons were missing their usual pictorial displays as were replaced by a kind of windows icons. An icon on the screen then appeared saying that an illegal operation had taken place and that it would shut down – which it tried to do before kind of freezing on me.

As the computer wouldn’t turn off (as it had freezed) I eventually turned it off from the mains. When I restarted it the ‘Windows Wizard’ box appeared on the screen asking me to accept the Windows agreement (I think it’s the installation wizard??). When I pressed that I accept the terms and conditions it then asks for my Windows registration number?? I don’t have this, as this computer was my dad’s old computer, although I have the disc. If I don’t accept the terms and conditions of the wizard it shuts down and then when I restart the same ‘wizard’ appears. This is the only option I am given (no desk-top or anything).

Any suggestions on what I can do or what has gone on here? Surely I haven’t deleted my Windows software have I???? It seems very strange to me as the operations (ie the deleting internet history etc and the odd file) that I did I have done numerous times before without any problems?

I’m running Windows 98 (2nd edition) on Pentium two processor.

Any help or advice would be so helpful.

sounds like you've accidently wipred some important files, the only way round this is to format and start again or type in the serial number