I have xp pro on a self-built desktop with intel D815EEA2 mb. It got infected with multiple viruses so I reformatted the drive and reinstalled xp. It will hang on the Loading screen (the little "bar" at the bottom continues to scroll). The hd led flashes every few seconds but the hd doesn't sound like it's being accessed. When I reboot I get a boot error: system halted. I then have to power down. When I restart it hangs again. If I restart is goes back to the boot error, etc. I can enter safe mode
The mb is a bit older and doesn't specifically mention handling XP (but does NT, 200). Intel no longer gives BIOS updates for it. I'm not sure if it's the BIOS that is doing it or simply xp faulty installation.
I had this happen to a previous mother and it turned out a capacitor was blown so I pulled the current mb but it looks okay.
Suggestions? Thanks in advance
The mb is a bit older and doesn't specifically mention handling XP (but does NT, 200). Intel no longer gives BIOS updates for it. I'm not sure if it's the BIOS that is doing it or simply xp faulty installation.
I had this happen to a previous mother and it turned out a capacitor was blown so I pulled the current mb but it looks okay.
Suggestions? Thanks in advance