Windows hanging up... all the time


Tobi Andrade

I hope someone cna help me out with this one please.

My Windows XP Home Edition computer locks up contintously
when accessing Windows Explorer functions.

If I am in Windows Explorer and try to navigate to a
different folder or drive it locks up and have to reboot.

If I am saving a document and try to cjange locations in
the save dialog box, locks up, gotta reboot

Sometimes just clicking on the save button causes a lock

It never locks up when using applications just when
saving, or using Explorer. I already used Norton Ghost
to restore to my latest "clean" installation but it
didn't work.

Again, any help would be appreciated!!!

Thank You


-----Original Message-----
I hope someone cna help me out with this one please.

My Windows XP Home Edition computer locks up contintously
when accessing Windows Explorer functions.

If I am in Windows Explorer and try to navigate to a
different folder or drive it locks up and have to reboot.

If I am saving a document and try to cjange locations in
the save dialog box, locks up, gotta reboot

Sometimes just clicking on the save button causes a lock

It never locks up when using applications just when
saving, or using Explorer. I already used Norton Ghost
to restore to my latest "clean" installation but it
didn't work.

Again, any help would be appreciated!!!

Thank You
Run maintenance tools, ( disk cleanup and disk
defragmenter ) and that error cheking check disk tool too.
Then run the system file checker tool, ( click start, run,
and type in; " sfc /scannow " with that space after sfc.
It will ask for your XP CD to copy any needed files from.
Also be sure your PC is cooling ok, and the RAM is at
least 256 MB.

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