Windows folder not visible in explorer bu all appears to work OK



I am running Windows XP with the latest updates and have a strange problem
that I noticed only a couple of days.

When I open C: drive in Windows Explorer I can't see the "windows" folder.
The system boots up OK however, when I try to run Event Viewer in
Administrative Tools nothing happens. Similarly, when I go to Accessories and
select Command Prompt (or some other item) nothing happens.

If I run 'cmd' from Start->Run window a DOS window appears with
"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" in the Caption. If I create a shortcut pointing
at the same command and double click on it, nothing happens. If I leave the
mouse over that icon I get popup help with the following
"C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-...\system32", suggesting that windows folder in
recycle bin.

Yesterday when I opened C: drive using windows explorer I saw the recycle
bin in icon in place of the WINDOWS folder but when I clicked on that icon it
showed some of my deleted files but not the actual windows folder.

Can you offer any assistance?


Daniel Dravot

MichaelT said:
I am running Windows XP with the latest updates and have a strange problem
that I noticed only a couple of days.

When I open C: drive in Windows Explorer I can't see the "windows" folder.
The system boots up OK however, when I try to run Event Viewer in
Administrative Tools nothing happens. Similarly, when I go to Accessories
select Command Prompt (or some other item) nothing happens.

If I run 'cmd' from Start->Run window a DOS window appears with
"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" in the Caption. If I create a shortcut
at the same command and double click on it, nothing happens. If I leave
mouse over that icon I get popup help with the following
"C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-...\system32", suggesting that windows folder in
recycle bin.

Yesterday when I opened C: drive using windows explorer I saw the recycle
bin in icon in place of the WINDOWS folder but when I clicked on that icon
showed some of my deleted files but not the actual windows folder.

Can you offer any assistance?


You probably have "folder options" set to hide system folders/files. Change
that and you'll probably see it (Explorer-- Tools-- Folder Options).



Hi Dan,
Thanks for your response. I am aware of that option and made sure it was set
as per your suggestion but it's still the same. I've done more testing and
found more strange things.

As I said in my initial post, when I tried openning Event Viewer through
'Start->Administrative Tools' nothing happening. However when I selected
Event Viewer Properties (the same way) followed by 'Find Target' an explorer
window opened showing 'c:\windows\system32' directory. I was then able to
double click on 'eventvw' and open up the Event Viewer. If I open another
instance of windows explorer I don't see the 'windows' directory.

With the 'c:\windows\system32' folder shown in the windows explorer I
selected 'cmd' application and created a shortcut on the Desktop. When I
opened up Properties of that shortcut the 'Target:' field was empty but
'Start in:' had c:\windows\system32'.

Any more thoughts?



Hi Dan,
Just one further point. I can make the windows folder appear/disappear
(consistently) by changing the 'Hide protected operating system files'
setting in Folder Options. However when the windows folder appears is has a
recycle bin icon rather than a normal folder icon.

Also, opening that icon shows some of the previously deleted items and not
the usual windows folder items.


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