That's interesting. I really don't understand why in the world they can't
make their chats public for Vista related topics and their Live Meetings.
If I were MSFT I'd welcome a huge attendance--it would be a leading
indicator of interest. The chats can host a lot of people--they try to
answer questions--and then they should publish them as a way of keeping as
many people current as possible. It's always worked for me more knowledge
of the features in Windows is better than less.
Also with the features that their large SQL servers and now cluster servers,
ect have (I don't have much experience with all the data base capabilities
that MSFT software has--but many of you do--I'd think that they would have a
very efficent way of classifying and sorting bugs.
So let's say I get a bug from Colin B. or Mark V. on a feature or a facet
call it what you want of Vista or Longhorn server or a suggestion. If they
are close enough, then I could fire the response so it copies to Colin and
Mark and whomever else's bug was classified in that category. I don't see
how hard that would be and I could have more detailed ideas if I understood
all the data base software that can be at your disposal if your MSFT.
It seems to me that "bugs submitted into the in box" could be sorted
quickly into categories and that the developers, PMS or team members who
look at them would be looking at a lot of bugs that are representative --and
once they make a response after trying to repro or whatever they think needs
to be done, they could broadcast out the result.
I also put on a couple of the blogs by the bug people that they should make
a list of the fixes they make, categorize them and publish it on a well know
bug site on and in that way they could keep people
up to speed on bugs posed, bugs fixed, bugs that will be fixed projected
toward some build in the future, and bugs that are deferred to Vista SP1 or
beyond or bugs that won't be changed or can't be changed (whatever category
Paul Donnelly and his extended team have made for them).
Nice links on that thread with you and Michael the other day Mark.