Windows Firewall


Tom Penharston

"Windows Security Alert" - To help protect your computer Windows
Firewall has blocked some features of this program. Your computer
administrator can unblock this program for you.

Although I have administrative access to my machines, I have been
taught to perform daily work under a standard user identity. This
improves on-line security and generally will not slow the work flow.
Hopefully, there are administrators all over the world who do not login
as administrators every time they start the machine.

I just wish the Windows Firewall alert box provided an option to enter
administrative credentials like a driver installation... if
administrative credentials are required... then provide the

Is this the fastest way to enable an app?... Browse the Control Panel,
shift+rightclick Windows Firewall, select run as from the context menu,
enter the credentials for an account with administrative access, open
the Exceptions tab, and check the box of the program you wish to run.
Click apply. Is there a faster way?



Tom said:
"Windows Security Alert" - To help protect your computer Windows
Firewall has blocked some features of this program. Your computer
administrator can unblock this program for you.

Although I have administrative access to my machines, I have been
taught to perform daily work under a standard user identity. This
improves on-line security and generally will not slow the work flow.
Hopefully, there are administrators all over the world who do not login
as administrators every time they start the machine.

I just wish the Windows Firewall alert box provided an option to enter
administrative credentials like a driver installation... if
administrative credentials are required... then provide the

Is this the fastest way to enable an app?... Browse the Control Panel,
shift+rightclick Windows Firewall, select run as from the context menu,
enter the credentials for an account with administrative access, open
the Exceptions tab, and check the box of the program you wish to run.
Click apply. Is there a faster way?

not sure if there is a faster way with the XP Firewall, but with
ZoneAlarm it is a fast and simple as clicking the Yes button when asked
"Do want to allow XYZ program to accept a connection from ##.##.##.## ?"
a password can be set to limit this privilege (to allow). plus you
don't have to dig around to figure out what ports to set up. i've used
ZoneAlarm with incoming connections under Limited accounts, and never
knew or wasted time figuring out what port numbers needed setting up.
a lot easier than hardware firewalls to set up and change on-the-fly.

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