Jason Fischer
I have a problem with a Windows 2000 server, latest SP's and updates.
Whenever I run a Windows Update, I always generate several Windows File
Protection errors. I've tried "sfc /purgecache", but that generates
several hundred error messages regarding Windows File Protection. I
looked in the directory where the protected files are and noticed that
this machine has about 900 fewer files in that directory than my other
comparable Windows machines.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Jason Fischer
Whenever I run a Windows Update, I always generate several Windows File
Protection errors. I've tried "sfc /purgecache", but that generates
several hundred error messages regarding Windows File Protection. I
looked in the directory where the protected files are and noticed that
this machine has about 900 fewer files in that directory than my other
comparable Windows machines.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Jason Fischer